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Posts posted by Gaz

  1. OMG it's your lucky day then, because there's actually a fan translation in progress right now for type-0, it's been going on for the past two years and they are finally nearing completion and eeven recently announced a release date for their patch, August 8th seems to be the date. this thread HERE has all the information you would ever need :D I've actually been following this translation for quite some time and can vouch that the end result is gonna be some quality stuff that will even rival an official localization.


    and if that's not enough to get you excited just watch this amazing trailer Sky and the team just put out out a week ago



    that shit is amazing.

    and that happens when i already sold my psp... god damn it! ;/

    currently playing apollo justice btw. lol @ not shaved outcast phoenix 

  2. More bands I love and Like


    † グリーヴァ GRIEVA †

    To me GRIEVA just ughh pisses me off..I have no problem at all with them "Copying" as people say but hey~

    just look at there old bands then look at them now..HA! Makes me wanna laugh so hard! i mean like DEEFUK ARE THEY TRYING TO DO?!! HAHA!!

    oh i see! it makes perfect sense ;>

  3. as always, nekkichi is trying to piss off people who like something that she doesn't because it's fun to see how weeaboos' arses are burning on fire.


    anyway, their ohp gives me feeling that it'll be some calm music without growls and vomits. i hope i'm wrong, but we'll see.

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