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Posts posted by johnesh

  1. This is genuinely interesting. I didn't like any of their A9 material as it was so vastly different from what had come before, and I wonder whether the contractual issues that meant they could no longer use the Alice Nine name also stipulated that any music they recorded under a different name had to be "materially different" from the Alice Nine material (cf the Star Trek "Kelvin timeline" fiasco). With any luck this will see a return to their older sound. (That said, I wasn't that bothered about their later Alice Nine material, I still prefer their early stuff.)

  2. FFS! Another of my favourites bites the dust. To be fair, I did kind of see this coming as well, their last few singles were a bit of a mixed bag, but I really liked their last album. Here's hoping they can put out one more album before they call it a day.

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