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Everything posted by Jiyo

  1. Jiyo

    Sevenlize will disband after their live at Shibuya eggman at 2015.05.14 They have posted a message on their website :
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0Zn4I6clh0
  3. Their new single "少年ワルツ" (Shounen Waltz) will be released at 2015/04/29 (3 TYPE) and sold in advance at Chizuru Birthday Live "Pentacollection" at Harajuku QUEST HALL at 2015/04/25. All details have not yet been announced.
  4. Jiyo

    Previews of their new single are now available on their ohp
  5. 「拝啓、鬼端児様へ」 01. 南無妙法蓮華狂 ¥666 「R-18※注.アールシテイと呼びます。」 01. R-18 02. 凶気の桜 03. 破廉チラリズムレイトショウ 04. 十三歳のカルテ ¥1,728
  6. "Bizarre" Tracklist : 01.Bizarre 02.SAVAGE DOLL
  7. Good news ! MiLLa was good and promising band.
  8. Again limited release... it sucks!
  9. Previews of the new single are listenable on their official website. It sounds better than their first demo to me.
  10. Jiyo

    Not really surprised, but really disappointed
  11. ex-EAT YOU ALIVE members session band "THE SPANKERS" will perform at NAGOYA HOLIDAY NEXT at 2015/01/12 "THE SPANKERS" members: Vo.ヒロ(Hiro) (ex-EAT YOU ALIVE) Gt.亮平(Ryouhei) (ex-EAT YOU ALIVE) Gt.tomoya (ex-meth., now in Sacred Aeolia) Ba.HISAYOSHI (ex-ClearVeil) Dr.真(Makoto) (ex-EAT YOU ALIVE)
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