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  1. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Ikna in Show Yourself (again)   
    One month old pic, because I am sick at the moment and look like shit >_<

    Also agree, Hyura is kawaii as fuck <3
  2. Like
  3. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Gaz in lynch. - GALLOWS   
    Well, only through my 2nd listen so far, but I can say this turned out to be a pretty decent album, as opposed to the dreadfully dull and weak-sounding last two albums (plus EXODUS, let's not talk about that at all). Maybe it's just my perceptions tricking me and the actual music isn't all that different from before, but this new punchy sterile production helps me greatly in listening, unlike the sandpaper sound of the previous release for example (that made everything lose its potential power). It's also nice that there's some variation between songs and more catchy parts, especially when they don't go "full force rawrararrrr" on us. Individual tracks don't stick in my mind just yet, but as I'm progressing through the tracklist there's always something fun to hear, so I'll be returning to this album more than previous ones I think.
    | finally, a lynch full-length I can get into again
  4. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from freesia in lynch. - GALLOWS   
    Well, only through my 2nd listen so far, but I can say this turned out to be a pretty decent album, as opposed to the dreadfully dull and weak-sounding last two albums (plus EXODUS, let's not talk about that at all). Maybe it's just my perceptions tricking me and the actual music isn't all that different from before, but this new punchy sterile production helps me greatly in listening, unlike the sandpaper sound of the previous release for example (that made everything lose its potential power). It's also nice that there's some variation between songs and more catchy parts, especially when they don't go "full force rawrararrrr" on us. Individual tracks don't stick in my mind just yet, but as I'm progressing through the tracklist there's always something fun to hear, so I'll be returning to this album more than previous ones I think.
    | finally, a lynch full-length I can get into again
  5. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from -timecapsule- in lynch. - GALLOWS   
    Well, only through my 2nd listen so far, but I can say this turned out to be a pretty decent album, as opposed to the dreadfully dull and weak-sounding last two albums (plus EXODUS, let's not talk about that at all). Maybe it's just my perceptions tricking me and the actual music isn't all that different from before, but this new punchy sterile production helps me greatly in listening, unlike the sandpaper sound of the previous release for example (that made everything lose its potential power). It's also nice that there's some variation between songs and more catchy parts, especially when they don't go "full force rawrararrrr" on us. Individual tracks don't stick in my mind just yet, but as I'm progressing through the tracklist there's always something fun to hear, so I'll be returning to this album more than previous ones I think.
    | finally, a lynch full-length I can get into again
  6. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Ro plz in lynch. - GALLOWS   
    Well, only through my 2nd listen so far, but I can say this turned out to be a pretty decent album, as opposed to the dreadfully dull and weak-sounding last two albums (plus EXODUS, let's not talk about that at all). Maybe it's just my perceptions tricking me and the actual music isn't all that different from before, but this new punchy sterile production helps me greatly in listening, unlike the sandpaper sound of the previous release for example (that made everything lose its potential power). It's also nice that there's some variation between songs and more catchy parts, especially when they don't go "full force rawrararrrr" on us. Individual tracks don't stick in my mind just yet, but as I'm progressing through the tracklist there's always something fun to hear, so I'll be returning to this album more than previous ones I think.
    | finally, a lynch full-length I can get into again
  7. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to nekkichi in Kamijo: New Single to be Released in June   
    * death of asagi
  8. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey's Kyo to be in Five Finger Death Punch track?   
    I don't find the band's brand of testosterone-party-metal particularly interesting or enjoyable but gonna check this out when the time comes.
  9. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from susel in PIERROT "DICTATORS CIRCUS FINAL"   
    It's important to note that this year is the band's 20th anniversary, so yeah, I guess we'll get maybe a reunion gig, but some best album thingie or collection for sure imo.
  10. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to DeithX252 in HONE YOUR SENSE Full Album Release   
    HONE YOUR SENSE will release full album on 2014.07.09

    yeah can't wait!
  11. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Tokage in Last movie you saw.   
    Last few movies I watched were Coraline and Steamboy. 
    Coraline's an animated stop-motion adaptation of a Neil Gaiman novel. Of course, it's aimed at children, but I didn't let that stop me. It looks REALLY good visually, and I can imagine that some kids would probably get nightmares from some parts. Overall, I enjoyed it, but it's not going to enter my Top 10 Movies of All Time list any time soon.
    Steamboy is... also an animated movie. This time it's one of dem japanese animes, tho. Once again, visually it looked GREAT. Story-wise, I dunno. I think I liked Akira better, if I have to compare the director's works. The ending here felt rather sudden. It was just like ' yep and now it's over '. Some cool steampunk inventions in this one (even though I think steampunk is the corniest shit ever when people try to transfer it to the real world)
  12. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    Zoolander - This was a decent, but not amazing comedy from Ben Stiller. When it is funny, it's bloody hilarious. But it is so uneven, and that's the problem here. It's silly as fuck, but that's as expected. But yeah, I'm left disappointed by this.
    Frankenstein's Army - I'll take off my hat and rais my glass to Richard Raaphorst, the man behind this film. Frankenstein's Army is a very fresh take on the found footage genre, and is among the best, if not THE best, found footage films I've seen. Ceative, original and very well-amde film. The story is thin as fuck, but that doesn't matter as everything else is exceptional.
    The set designs is amazing, the character designs is amazing and the blood and gore is amazing. The use of actual, physical creatures, rather than CGI models, gives the film a shocking realism which is sorely lacking in most modern horror/sci-fi. This is horror/sci-fi the way it once used to be.
    The only reason I don't give this 9/10 is because they're speaking English and not Russian. The rest is top notch!
    Thief - Brilliant 190's neo(n)-noir with a beyond brilliant soundtrack by Tangerine Dream. Wet streets, neon lights and all that. It's so god damn 80's and I fucking love it. This is Michael Mann's best film, and that says a lot.
    Body Double - More neo(n)-noir, this time by Brian De Palma. It's a very Hitchcockian film and it owes a lot to Vertigo and Rear Window, as well as other films. It's a great film, and the gorgeous camerawork and lovely lighting are a huge part of what makes this such a great film.
  13. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to nekkichi in Kaya new band "Femme Fatale", LIVE DVD & Schwarz Stein will fully resume activities   
    love sink live arrangement in that preview & femme fatale is messier than expected in every possible aspect, i can't believe the queen went that far
    inb4 kaya going to europe to seduce the last 10 nightwish fans into wonders of sodomy
  14. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in PIERROT "DICTATORS CIRCUS FINAL"   
    "We're sorry about Angelo and LM.C, really"
  15. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    Been wanting to see these for a while now, but always forgetting. Thx for the mention, maybe now I'll remember. xD
    Full Metal Jacket - Pretty cool and depressing movie about how war and that whole soldier-making mentality can fuck you up. I must admit I enjoyed the first 45 mins segment more (the boot camp), but the following hour or so dealing with the actual war itself had its 'feeling' as well.
  16. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in 電脳オヴラアト(denno:oblaat) live-distributed single release   
    The Velvet Eden of Angura-kei
  17. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Flash-Fab-Supernova in V-ANIME collaboration -homme- REVIEW   
    TRACK ONE: Didn't listen to it.
    TRACK TWO: Didn't listen to it.
    TRACK THREE: Please see above track review.
    TRACK FOUR: I don't know. I didn't listen to it because, I didn't want to.
    TRACK FIVE: It could've been a great song, if I'd even listened to it.
    TRACK SIX: Um, could I have- Nope. Did not listen to it.
    TRACK SEVEN: Skipped it. If you count deleting it as skipping it. Then sure.
    TRACK EIGHT: Didn't care~.
    TRACK ELEVEN:  揺紗×風弥 - -I'll-(Dir en Grey Cover)

    Also, this rave review from KYATTOFAIBU:

  18. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Horror Movies   
    ^ Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet I'm jelly as hell!! I bet it will be awesome but please report back to us after you witnessed it, if it was truly amazing.
    Finally, here's my '80s horror list... I had to weed out a lot of stuff to make this only 10. xD Also, this isn't in any concrete order. It would be better to rank the first five as "number 1" and the last five as "number 2" slot.
    1. Hellraiser
    Best Cliver Barker adaptation I've seen so far (no wonder, he had a hand in it as well). Perfect, atmospheric, juicy, with some chilling and equally fun sequences. Gotta love the Cenobites! Actually, the sequel doesn't trail too far behind either.
    2. The Beyond
    Lucio Fulci represent!! I just love the gritty, spooky feeling of the whole movie. The makeup effects are amazing albeit a bit cruddy (that adds to the whole thing imo), and it's all just one big nightmare ride of a film.
    3. Inferno
    Almost as brilliant as its predecessor Suspiria, Dario Argento does it again! Stunning colors and lighting, lots of gruesome but somehow beautiful (and at times, absurd) scenes. The music doesn't really work all the time for me but it provides an interesting dimension nevertheless.
    4. City of the Living Dead
    Lucio Fulci represent!! I just love the gritty, spooky feeling of the whole movie. The makeup effects are amazing albeit a bit cruddy (that adds to the whole thing imo), and it's all just one big nightmare ride of a film. [2] heh.
    5. Demons
    Imagine Demons 2 being here as well. Overall a very fun experience with some disgusting demons killing off people trapped in a cinema (watching a movie about demons no less, lol) -- what more do you want? Oh right... cheese-tastic heavy metal to accompany it all. Contains one of the best ridiculous action scenes in horror.
    6. Re-Animator
    One of my favorite comical horror movies ever, I just cannot get tired of it. Major respect and props to Stuart Gordon (director) and Jeffrey Combs (playing the hilarious lead role) for twisting this Lovecraft tale into something exceptionally fun to watch. A ton of laughs and gorey/gross moments.
    7. *insert an '80s John Carpenter horror here*
    Seriously. Carpenter made some of his most excellent work in this decade, I simply cannot choose. I love The Fog because of its inducing fear with simplicity, The Thing with the chilling (heh) creatures and sense of isolation, Prince of Darkness spooking me out with all the apocalyptic religious Satanic stuff (and awesomely casting Donald Pleasence as usual), and finally They Live with its subtle hints of sci-fi paranoia.
    8. Tetsuo: Iron Man
    Okay, we could argue if this is really horror or not, but to me it represents the finest of what Japan has to offer in the 'body horror' subgenre, drowned in a thick sauce of that typical junkyard aesthetic of low-budget Japanese cyberpunk. Totally weird and insane black-n-white feature with some amazing visuals and unforgettable soundtrack (courtesy of Japanese industrial music god Chu Ishikawa).
    9. Videodrome
    Speaking of body horror...yeah, I couldn't leave Cronenberg out of this. I was a bit torn in choosing this or The Fly or Scanners, but this movie is somehow a bit closer to my heart. Maybe because of all the lovely imagery, body fusing with technology, minds warping, reality blurring and whatnot. Plus, it has a pretty~ hot Debbie Harry, so yeah.
    10. The Hitcher
    Oh boy, this looming menacing atmosphere, I just love it. Rutger Hauer is the star of the show here clearly, portraying the enigmatic and psycho drifter dude of the title. Whenever he appears on screen you just know shit will go down, but the pacing is so sadistic how they draw out some stuff for the tension, it's awesome.
    +1 "cuz I just remembered this one" Angel Heart
    Damn, this movie. Imagine if Jacob's Ladder had a baby with an X-Files episode and up the spook factor a few notches. Incredibly well-done mystical thriller/horror starring (a still decent-looking) Mickey Rourke and Robert de Niro, crossing over into nightmare territory with no turning back.
    @Bear I love how there's almost literally no overlaps between our lists this time. I do love the Evil Dead movies of course, they almost made the list. The Argento movies you listed are cool too. I must confess tho, I haven't seen a single "Friday" movie, nor a "Nightmare" one (okay, maybe the 4th or 5th? loooong time ago, can't remember).
  19. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    Best horror films of the 80's:
    1. The Thing
    John Carpenter and Kurt Russel together used to be a sign of quality once upon a time. Everything they did turned out great, except for Escape from L.A., even though I've always had a weak spot for it. But The Thing is a super classic film with a great script, great actors, great direction and great special effects. Brilliant atmosphere.
    2. Friday the 13th
    It's not as good as Halloween, but this is among my favourite slasher films ever. Great kills and a brilliant atmosphere. Can you ask for much more from a slasher?
    3. The Burning
    Same as above basically. This one is just as good as Friday the 13th, if not better to be honest. Amazing film!
    4. Gremlins
    Scary? No, but cute, charming and very, very fun. You just gotta love how these small, cute creatures turn into those evil fuckers. This is an amazing film!
    5. The Evil Dead
    Gore, black humour, amazing cinematography and Bruce Campbell. This film is both atmospheric and hilarious at the same time. SOme of the camera work here is exceptional!
    6. Evil Dead II
    Gore, black humour, amazing cinematography and Bruce Campbell. This film is both atmospheric and hilarious at the same time. SOme of the camera work here is exceptional! This is an amazing sequel. One of the best there is.
    7. Tenebre
    This film showed Dario Argento's return to the giallo genre, and boy did he do it well. Stunning cinematography, gruesome murders, great acting and a BRILLIANT soundtrack by prog geniuses Goblin. The soundtrack may be the best thing about this film. So fucking impressive! If you're a fan of slashers, you should see this (and giallo in general), because the slasher genre owes so much to this genre. So very, very much.
    8. A Nightmare on Elm Street
    Freddy fucking Krueger. Do I need say more? A really imaginative horror film which plays around with the viewer a lot. Love it!
    9. Opera
    Woah! Another Dario Argento film. Of course. He was a genius. This is a fairly typical giallo and Argento film, but still amazing. Great soundtrack, mainly by Claudio Simonetti of Goblin and Brian Eno.
    10. The Woman in Black
    The reason this isn't higher up is because some of the acting is subpar. But the atmosphere is amazing, and that's what makes this film so good. It's alla bout the atmosphere!
    And even though this isn't films, I just have to put these out here. The 80's WAS slashers, and I could easily have changed some of these films with other slasher films. And because of the 80's and slashers I need to put these songs here. Frightmare released two albums and they both are a tribute to slasher films, and horror and gore in general. The Burning, Friday the 13th, Sleepaway Camp, The Slumber Party Massacre, The Prowler, My Bloody Valentine and Black Christmas are among the fils they pay tribute to. Amazing band, even though I do prefer Maniac Neil's main band, Blood Freak. Exploitation and horror is his life!

    What happened to the films of yesterday
    The 70's and 80's were the golden age
    Horror films now are a fucking joke!
    They make me choke!

    Gone is the blood
    Gone are the tits
    Gone is everything that we miss
    MTV shit is shoved down our goddamn throats!
    The film makers of today give us no fucking hope!

    Remakes are the fad
    Desecrating horror classics
    CG? what a fucking drag!
    Save that shit for pixar flicks!

    Dawn of the Dead and TCM are not immune to this lame ass trend
    Whats next The Exorcist?
    It's safe to say this is the end!
    These dumb ass kids love this shit
    They have no idea who Cropsy is
    Wes Craven you bastard!
    Look what you have done!
    Last House on the Left to Scream?!
    There no excuse
    You should be hung!

    PG-13 horror is packing the seats
    This generation sucks!
    These kids are fucking weak!

    The hip hop influence
    Infecting the culture
    Busta Rhymes and Michael Myers?!
    This shit is fucking torture!
    Direct to video shit
    Is almost as bad
    Crappy photoshop covers
    Make me fucking sad!
    Lack of ideas
    Regression through technology
    Will Peter Jackson save us?
    No we get that lame ass trilogy!
    Fightmare - Bringing Back the Bloodshed
  20. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    The New One-Armed Swordsman - I waited a long time before I watched this because I was a bit sceptical. I love the two first films in the series (yet not watched Zatoichi and the One-Armed Swordsman which came before this), but I was a bit sceptic since Jimmy Wang moved on and didn't want to portray the one-armed swordsman any longer. Chang Cheh got David Chiang for the role as the new one-armed swordsman. What David Chiang lacked as a martial artist he made up for with brilliant acting. This film is violent and bloody, and really spectacular. It's a very typical film for Chang Cheh around this time. You can see the Akira Kurosawa and Sergio Leone influences in his film. At times I get a spaghetti western-like feeling from this, and as we know, spaghetti westerns was very influenced by samurai films. This is just as good, if not better, than the two first films. Amazing!
    Chang Cheh is, together with King Hu, the most important direcor when it comes to wuxia. King Hu started it, and Chang Cheh took everything toa whole different elvel where things got more spectacular, and he intoduced us to the anti-hero that got a lot of place in these films. He's not known as The Godfather of Hong Kong without any reason, to put it like that. You can see a lot of CHang Cheh in directors like Quentin Tarantino, Zhang Yimou and John Woo.
    Wǔ xiá - Ah, what a film! This films like a mix of A History of Violence, The Killer and The One-Armed Swordsman, spiced with a bit of Sherlock Holmes on top. The story is the same as we've seen a billione times before in films like A History of Violence, The Killer and other films, and it doesn't ty to hide the fact that it isn't a very original idea. The direction is great, the choreography is amazing as expected from Donnie Yen, who also plays the main role in this film, supported by Yu Wang (The One-Armed Swordsman) and Takeshi Kaneshiro (House of Flying Daggers). I love the fact that it pays tribute to The One-Armed Swordsman like it does. It was bloody amazing! Great film.
    Bohachi: Clan of the Forgotten Eight - The original title to this film is Bôhachi bushidô: Poruno jidaigeki, which translates to something like this: Porno Period Film: Way of the Outlaw Samurai. But do not be afraid, this has nothing to do with porn as we know it. Not even close.
    Bôhachi bushidô is a Japanese cult film directed by none other than Teruo Ishii, also knows as The King of Cult. This man pushed the limits in the late 60's and continued making great, fresh films in the 70's.
    Bôhachi bushidô is a 80 minute long film that shows more tits and ass than your regular 90 minute porn film, and it is topped with huge amounts of violence, blood and flying limbs. But despite all of that, this is still a very nice, tasty and elegant film where Teruo Ishii really got to show off his skills as a film maker, shooting some of the most beautifully shot scenes ever.
    Tetsurô Tanba plays the lead character, and he is as amazing as ever.
    Bohachi: Clan of the Forgotten Eight is among the best pinky violence films I've ever seen, and it is close to a 10/10. Maybe a 9,8/10 or something.
    Jagten - This is a dark danish film with Mads Mikkelsen in the lead. It's a hard watch as it portrays some serious issues in our society. Denmark is on a whole other level dan norway when it comes to film making. I seriously wonder why.
    Attack the Block - This will be seen as a cult film in 5-7 years. Do I need to say more? Nah, not eally. Great film!
  21. Like
    Jigsaw9 reacted to sads123 in cali≠gari fan-club-limited new single release   
    If it makes you feel better, the last FC release ain't all that:
    I would have thought its a goatbed song, if not for Ao's backing vocals :/
  22. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    Tropic Thunder - Finally saw this! It was hilarious. Probably everyone who was interested in it already watched this, but if you didn't and you like action-comedies do yourself a favor and go see it nowwww! Some excellent laugh-out-loud moments, Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr really shine here (oh and Tom Cruise, lol).
  23. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    Yesssss, the trailer seems good too!
    Expendables 2 was everything I expected Expendables to be, so by that logic the third movie should be epic as hell!
  24. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    Big Bad Wolves - Apparently Tarantino said something like this was the best movie of last year... Well, I wouldn't vouch for that but it was a decent and pretty cool experience. This flick is like a mashup of drama, thriller, black comedy and some very toned-down torture porn, and rises some interesting moral questions. All in all, quite a nice movie - reminded me of those Korean revenge themed flicks a bit.
  25. Like
    Jigsaw9 got a reaction from Flash-Fab-Supernova in Horror Movies   
    Totally seconding these!
    Also, reading Inside and Ils on that list reminded me of how nice/creepy Livid (or Livide) was.
    A bit weird in the ending, but overall a cool and spooky atmosphere.
    High Tension (or Haute Tension) would be another cool French flick,
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