I found myself being less and less interested as the pages passed by, so dropped this altogether. Meh.
Also recently finished Asleep in the Sun by Adolfo Bioy Casares, which was a quick and interesting read! With a bit of tweaks here and there I could totally imagine David Lynch or maybe Denis Villeneuve (or some European arthouse director) adapting this into a surreal unsettling movie. Mystery and suspense lurking in the background, quirky dark characters and some unexpected humor. It was everything I could have wanted in 200 pages.
On the topic of 'currently reading', I'm about 1/3 through Patrick Ness' young adult novel More Than This. I admit, I've been struggling a bit with the actual 'current' plot of the book, while finding the flashbacks much much more intriguing to read ... but it figures I guess, since most of the story so far is a guy being alone in a weird empty world, lol. Things are starting to pick up though, so I'm curious what it'll all transpire to in the end.
I've also just begun dipping my toes into Paul Auster's latest gargantuan novel, titled 4 3 2 1, apparently featuring the multiple 'could-have-been' lives of a guy born in the mid-20th century, featuring autobiographical elements and whatnot. Seems like a daunting read (it's 860 pages of zipping back and forth between parallel narratives!), but if nothing else, it's evident from the first 30 pages that Auster still knows how to elegantly deliver his thoughts... so I'm hoping it'll be a pleasure to read.