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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Jigsaw9

    Glad to hear he's doing better!
  2. ^ LOL, exactly. I usually don't even bother commenting, but your reply here was spot-on, haha. DISH was lovely while they had their original intact lineup, everything recently is kinda meh...
  3. Very happy merry Cat day~

  4. They have like zero 'punk' elements tho (on the contrary, they usually have long elaborate songs), you might be thinking of a different band? Anyway, they're of an acquired taste I guess.
  5. Jigsaw9

    my life aesthetic tbh
  6. Sweet baby jesus on a bloody stick, the new Cobalt double album leakedddd~ Gonna religiously listen to it tomorrow night.
  7. This tracklist is as insulting as Laruku's Butterfly album, lmao. Ridiculous.
  8. Jigsaw9

  9. Jigsaw9

    Nice! Hope they'll deliver some catchy tunes~
  10. Gotta love Gorguts! Coloured Sands was awesome, and this sounds amazing already as well. Gonna catch them live next month!
  11. Jigsaw9

    Agreed, really really good album, even compared to themselves. I'm impressed!
  12. Sounds a bit like THE HAKKIN, only more beefed-up. I'm totally here for this.
  13. Jigsaw9

    Yay, another PV~ ^^ Not for one of the better songs on the album, but still nice.
  14. Do I see there that Canou says they'll try to finish and record "THE DOGUU ALBUM" later this year too? Would be amazing. Let's just hope the band lineup stays intact till then, lolol.
  15. inb4 it's just the vk world wanting to cash in on Yoshiki's chips business by releasing bandomen-flavored chips (13 different types)
  16. Jigsaw9

    ^ Same, gotta love a good music doc! This trailer actually makes me kinda hyped to see it.
  17. The Johnny song and the title track sound pretty rad, the other two are kinda plain... doesn't seem like a bad release, all in all. Also, cool that they upped the full songs, respect!
  18. I was never overly fond of chariots (tbh they always seemed like a lame knock-off of Phantasmagoria without the creativity), but this PV track sounds decent enough. Too bad they only seem to be churning out these new songs one at a time, and in limited availability.
  19. Rare-sama's usual YT update:
  20. Jigsaw9

    Actually yes, haha. Sounds a bit like KuRt mixed with ケミカルピクチャース and turbo'd up in sound.
  21. Jigsaw9

    This already sounds way better than anything I've heard from the previous incarnation of MBHI before. Nice!
  22. They don't seem to be recording anything, at least as far as I can tell from their social media profiles. Too bad. ;(
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