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saiko last won the day on January 25 2021

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    Gackt's Hair Stylist

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  1. Can you suggest names of VK bands that were growing up a following quite notably just before suddenly disbanding? I can think of Charlotte (しゃるろっと for the snobs).

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    2. Rahzel


      @Axius oh thx! Didn't know members had retired ... Oww 


      @nekkichi I remember that one interview with Miyavi where Gackt was like "Due le Quartz who lol?" and someone had to explain it was some smaller band and he overshadowed the vocalist. So yeah him going solo went well ... 

      (No idea about the others though afaik Sadie was relevant for a while before disbanding?) 

    3. nekkichi




      they were bigger than any other psc act (except for gazette) and miyavi is practically an actreusse now, I don't see that interfering with being in a band if they stayed around.


      sadie were doing really well too (I think they got an anime ending deal, or something like that?)

    4. Mamo


      I thought we were talking about short lived, if we just mean suddenly disbanded even though they were popular I would also say D'espairsRay they had even recently gone major before disbanding. If I recall correctly.

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