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Everything posted by Ito

  1. Ito

    I was reminded today of why I stay the fuck away from anything programming related. So.fucking.frustrating.
  2. Ito

    TBH, I don't blame all of X...in fact I would narrow it down to one member...no idea who that could be though. XD
  3. Ito

    What are you using for your theme? I have found Arctic to be my favorite one so far (out of stuff that works on version 13).
  4. Ito

    TBH, I actually enjoyed the production on Noise...or more or less I didn't notice any problems with it.
  5. Finally have consistent internet!

  6. Ito

    I don't know, maybe Yoshiki just had trouble with his English...because "important" certainly wasn't the word he was looking for.
  7. Ito

    Welcome back!
  8. Ito

    IF you can mount in to the wall, I would look into getting a wall mount. I assume that you can't though. I honestly wouldn't want vertical alignment, but that is just personal preference...but just a warning, if it's not IPS the vertical off axis angles tend to be pretty bad. What I would do is get some cardboard and cut it out and see what sizes would work.
  9. Ito

    I didn't know that pimping was that hard of work
  10. I love all of you guys! Thanks for making MH such an awesome place.

    1. Delkmiroph


      you're welcome :D

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      here, have some positive vibes right back at you :)

  11. Ito

    Nope, not 12 hour days, just working pretty much 7 days a week. And honestly, that is just the nature of most first year teachers. At least they get the summer of to compensate XD
  12. I have been using Ito as a user name since middle school (so for...13-ish years now? Dear god...). It can from me wanting to have a "cool" alias to sign on my terrible middle school drawings, so I just started writing down names and seeing what sounded cool and was fun to write. The funny thing is that it wasn't even supposed to be "Japanese" lol. The name has stuck with me since and I use it pretty much every where online. It's not stuck too much outside of the internet though, but my mom some times jokingly calls me Ito. XD Also:
  13. Ito

    dammit, their goes my hopes of a VK band that plays stoner metal.
  14. Ito

    Not sure if you are referring to the United States when you say "my country," but we certainly have unpaid overtime. It's called a salary...In most cases you are expected to to work over time there, or really whatever it takes to get the job done. I know that when my father was working her worked about 50-55 hours a week normally and my girlfriend who is a middle school teacher between actually teaching, lesson planning, and grading works about 60 hours a week. I certainly don't like Japan's work culture, but their overtime policy doesn't seem that insane. From my understanding this was brought in to law after WWII when Japan was under US occupation. I don't know the reason the law was enacted, but it was. Lots of people find this law to be terrible, but the problem is that no one is willing to bring it up or challenge it. They don't want to be the politician that want to change the censorship law.
  15. I can' t sleep right now and this is hilarious. Also, I can't remember a single song off of this album other than Day by Day and Tightrope, which neither I actually give two fucks about...why do I remember them?!?!?
  16. Ito

    Zess's desk be like:
  17. Anyone know a decent amount about NAS's? I am having an information overload doing research.

    1. Ito


      I really want to build/buy one to use as a host for all my XBMC media but man, mySQL scares me lol.

    2. Zeus


      mysql is easy

    3. Ito


      Then you can come over and set it up for me :)

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  18. Ito

    I just found this article and figured it would be a good thing to drop in here: http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/faq-what-are-some-alternatives-to-beats/
  19. Ito

    This episode was a lot better than the thirst one...if felt a lot more like an episode and a lot less of fan pandering (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here, but I worry that with their current pacing it is going to take FOREVER to really get anywhere.
  20. While I hate AKB and most of what it stands for and does (which this article does talk about), it seemingly jumps off the deep end...which Zess seems to have covered quite well. I mean, there is no doubt that these girls are being paraded around as objects of sexual fantasy. I'm one to believe that the reason the members can't have boyfriends is so that the "ronries" can project themselves in tot his spot. I also think the group as the music value of a wet noodle. And while I find most of it deplorable, I don't think that this is anything new for Japan. So much of his comments lack any information to back it up. This feels like something written by a conspiracy theorist.
  21. I understand big corporations want to make money. But why do they have to do it at the expensive of being fucking assholes. It's like they are some bully on the playground that goes around breaking people's shit and offering to sell them a slightly shittier version for way more money. I hope that more town run internet stuff like this starts happening though...because god know's that the corporations aren't going to make things better.
  22. Ito

    Since I am half a sleep, for a fraction of a second I thought the pattern on those sleeves were tattoos...lol I'm dumb XD
  23. Ito

    The band will be relocating to Los Angeles and changing their name to X LA.
  24. Ito

    Wait, are you a clone of me?!?! xD Glad to have you here, dude. Hope you enjoy your time. If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone with a red or blue name annoy CAT5.
  25. Ito


    Welcome to forum! We're happy to have you here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone with a red or blue name. What are your favorite spin of projects between Penicillin and X? I am quite fond of Machine.
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