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Everything posted by DistraughtK

  1. So basically, im using all the money I got for Christmas to help get my friend a 3DS. Mostly cause I don't want to seem like a ass when my girlfriend sends me her old one.

    1. DistraughtK


      Was going to buy Cold Blood(Sadie), Tsumi to batsu Brand New Capsule XIV(GHOST), and possibly Rasen(Depain). But, it's the season for giving, not receiving.

  2. Bought my gf some Black Butler stuff for her Birthday/Christmas. Though, the birthday present will get there early and the Christmas present will get there late -_-

  3. Voice of Pain, Under the Chaos, Children of Despair, M.F.P, A Holy Terrors, Grieving the Dead Soul, Crimson Tear. What happen to THIS Sadie!?

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      They got to caught up in tryna be DIR that they forgot how to be original.

    2. God


      Not a fan of their new record, I take it?

    3. DistraughtK


      Maybe not the biggest fan, Sadie is one of my favorite VK bands (also one of the few not disbanded) but the comparison with the old material compared to the newer, it just lacks originality.

  4. I get a very Visual feel from this song.

  5. DistraughtK

    Best thing I heard all day!
  6. I thought Kousei retired? Was it just from recording?

  7. DistraughtK

    Still waiting for Desperate End to be shared but still cool.
  8. DistraughtK

    I really hope this wont be like how D was. I just seem to start liking them less and less with every new release sense Veronica.
  9. DistraughtK

    DAMMIT KOUSEI STOP TEASING ME! Form a new band already T.T
  10. Sweet Revenge as yet again made another Amazing Vocaloid track.

  11. Madrigal De Maria is such a beautiful album T.T

    1. Scarlet Obsidian

      Scarlet Obsidian

      Yes, beautiful indeed!! <3

    2. Licio123


      inb4 sadie haters

  12. Just as bland and boring as ever I see.

  13. How can you not celebrate Halloween without costumes and such. You have to be a really depraved person to think it's not necessary, or just dirt poor like me -_-

  14. DistraughtK

    2014, worth to wait.
  15. DistraughtK

    I am super excited about this. For the love of God let it be shared quickly!
  16. Caught the premeir of Xros Wars, im surprised, I didn't hate the voice actors. But then again Saban usually makes good choices for the Digimon cast.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I'm surprised it took so long to dub it. I've already seen all of season 6 (and 7), but I hope that if they make a season 8 it'll be more like the first two.

      Oh, and Digimon World Re:Digitize released in the US pls

  17. DistraughtK

    Im gonna rage if Stargazer got butchered.
  18. DistraughtK

    8/10 Kitty cat X3
  19. DistraughtK

    GENGAH. - Annoymous
  20. DistraughtK

    Suzaku is my waifu
  21. DistraughtK

    Black Line - Banana
  22. DistraughtK

    Fina collects Bananas to make a rocket ship.
  23. DistraughtK

    Suzaku is a newbie.
  24. DistraughtK

    Fina does not have a .gif a a photo/sig
  25. DistraughtK

    Suzaku's has over 10k post.
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