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Everything posted by DistraughtK

  1. Stalkers gonna stalk.

  2. DistraughtK

    Sadie - Break The Silence
  3. DistraughtK

    8/10 Alot better then the last one.
  4. DistraughtK

    Im not listening to anything at the moment. But I last listened to Undead Corporation - Where the silver light brings...
  5. DistraughtK

    アニマ (Anima) - 黒濁シタ血泡ニ困リテ
  6. DistraughtK

    Biosphia - Desperate End
  7. Hope Marianna was right about Depain returning this month.

  8. Think im almost done with Phantasy Star. Well main story wise. Is there a chapter 6, or do I just not get anything for reaching it?

  9. DistraughtK

    Depain - Rasen
  10. DistraughtK

  11. I really doubt Desperate End will be shared any time before True Cry come out.

    1. Danao


      Buy it, you will have even before somebody up it !

    2. DistraughtK


      I would but I want type B type A is gonna cost way to much to have shipped to the US if I can get some money soon I am planning on getting type B of True Cry. But it's very slim ill even have enough for that.

  12. DistraughtK

    Frankly im getting sick of all of them. I use to love vampires before all this twilight shit, and werewolfs and zombies never interested.
  13. Don't know exactly where i'd post this but here seems right. But wouldn't that be so much better?!
  14. DistraughtK

    .Hack//G.U. Vol.2 Reminisce When Alkaid gets PKed and becomes a lost one ;-;
  15. DistraughtK

  16. Don't remember who made it but the Luka album Unfinished Eden has alot of variety and doesn't stick with one genre. Which makes it awesome!

  17. DistraughtK

    9/10 It's badass but the bandanna look is getting alittle old.
  18. DistraughtK

    "Forbidden Happiness" Sweet Revenge/Megurine Luka. Why must we all suffer in this life time?
  19. DistraughtK

    GHOST Dio -Distraught Overlord- Luzmelt BLADE XodiacK(lets face it, they might as well be disbanded)
  20. DistraughtK

    Likes action anime?
  21. DistraughtK

    Sadie - Toge
  22. Im just now founding out about all the session bands ex-GHOST members were in. And thought, wow... Could could had done what Dio did and reform under a new name. I miss GHOST ;-;

  23. DistraughtK

    I don't know what Utopia sounds like but i'd have love to hear it song by Kousei.
  24. Damn ear is acting up again.

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