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Everything posted by DistraughtK

  1. DistraughtK

    Oh cool, I been wondering if he had been up to anything since Luzmelt disbanded.
  2. DistraughtK

  3. DistraughtK

    Blood Stain Child - Unlimited Alchemist
  4. DistraughtK

    Seremedy - Closure
  5. DistraughtK

    Biosphia - Silent Sorrow
  6. DistraughtK

    ナイトメア - Paranoid
  7. DistraughtK

    リロード [Hybrid_]
  8. Im unfamiliar with this site but Psycological Junkie can be bought here! I don't have money for it though :(http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_374924091.html

    1. DistraughtK


      It's a Japanese auction sight though i believe.

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Japanese auction, you does have an shoping service or intermediate for have any chance to purchase this...

  9. All I know for sure, is we need more Ryo vocals on the next album!

  10. DistraughtK

    Biosphia - Desperate End
  11. Somewhere in the early 2000's like 02 or 03. It was the second ending theme to Inuyasha and I fucking fell in love with it!
  12. DistraughtK

    巡音ルカ - Angel Bullet
  13. DistraughtK

    Think it was more of a special then a movie but. Evangelion 1.11.
  14. Still getting use to Adult Swim/Toonami playing the Inuyasha Intros instead of just the ending.

  15. DistraughtK

  16. DistraughtK

    8/10 started to get curious about who that is. Inb4 Nightmares4ever rates me, again.
  17. I am not your enemy.

  18. DistraughtK

    A band actually re-formed, that I liked, FUCKING YES!
  19. DistraughtK

    7/10 Never saw Ted yet.
  20. Would when Blood Stain Child is gonna release a Demo with Kiki.

  21. DistraughtK

    10/10 Sadie's best look in a long time.
  22. DistraughtK

    GHOST - Itoteki na Mikansei
  23. I swear do some people really have nothing better to do then rip on BVB? I mean yes, they aren't the greatest band in the world but they are pretty damn good. You don't see me going under EVERY RAPPER and post faggot,gay,ect., I totally would but im not a immature little punk. Im very glad J-Rock fans are mature enough not to do that shit with Visual Kei.

    1. GazeRockSnob


      I think people should rip on Blood On The Dancefloor more. They are absolute shit.

    2. Zeus


      You obviously haven't met my good friend sumostig.

    3. Nightmares4ever


      oh god blood on the dance floor are more then just shit

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  24. DistraughtK

    Sadie - Deathtopia
  25. Obvious troll is obvious.

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