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Posts posted by efuru

  1. 7 hours ago, Ikna said:

    interesting how in this discussion about gaijins imitatiing trve VKei no one has mentioned this guy before (who seems to split people's opinions just as much):




    Tbh, his look come a lot more closer to actual VK than most of the swede kei bands

    I don't care for Insanity Injection but I really really loved Glamscure's newest album and I had no idea he wasn't Japanese, also cause I don't look that deep into the members.

  2. Golden thread. Thank you. 


    1 hour ago, diryangrey said:

    not that this is meant to change anyone's opinions but the "vkei dead in japan" is 100% bullshit for clicks/plays; just a couple minutes in he says no ofc it's not
    clickbait's still clickbait but he's not saying the things you think he's saying.

    Editing to add;
    I don't care if Endigo/BatAAr/whoever's music or personality or style isn't something you're into at the end of the day he's a dude & his band doing the sort of stuff they want to do & as far as i can tell this video and the other, while they can be misleading or awkward, whatever, in tone - sounds to me like he's trying to promo & encourage junior musicians in his scene who don't have much exposure of their own.



    9 hours ago, Pho said:

    See, I don't even think that westerners trying to do VK is a problem in itself. I don't see any reason why a westerner couldn't pull off a VK inspired aesthetic, the problem is that those that have tried (at least the ones that I'm aware of) are just crap. Like you suggest, it just seems that most of the western bands that try to pull off a VK look or sound just end up coming across as wholly derivative and lacking in any originality (not to mention musical talent). Then again, I think a lot of the modern Japanese VK scene is like that too, but I guess there are enough bands in the Japanese scene that at least one or two decent ones manage to slip through the cracks every now and then.


    Patrik is the one who always dreamed of being Kaoru.

    They need to do full drag style make up to make it work. They don't have the bone structure to pull of half assed be make up. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Alkaloid said:

    YES! It was amazing! She has more creativity in her little finger than most of these queens have in their whole body. Any competitor who doesn't see her as a threat is seriously misguided and/or delusional.

    Thank you! I knew she wasn't gonna win snatch game but her character was interesting and different and she executed it well. And she looked gorgeous. 

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