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Posts posted by efuru

  1. 2 hours ago, orange~ said:

    I can totally relate to this. Tequila was my first love. I used to drink tequila sunrise and tequila slammers all night, all week long. My new favourite drink is also vodka with lemon or something like that. I never remember the name of the drink - it's "something-somethig trash" - I usually order "there's this vodka trash drink..."

    "Vodka trash" lmaooo I mean vodka is the worst it's just cheap and gets you drunk without all the crazy side effects of other liquors. And it mixes with almost everything.... kinda. haha

  2. I used to drink a lot of tequila sunrises but I've switched to Vodka Waters with a lemon. Now whenever I order one I can be really obnoxious and sing it like Rihanna does in her song 
    "Sex With Me"  VODKA AND WATER AND A LEMON. The bartenders have been over it for a while now but at least once a night I say that. :cheers:

  3. Weeeeeeell...


    I had a dream I went to a bar with my best friend and I walked in and my ex walked up to me and was flirting with me and Rico (best friend) was like NO and he was in the background like trying to get my attention. I was completely ignoring him and focusing on Tarius (ex). Tarius grabs my hand and walks me to a back corner of the bar. picks me up, and sets me on the counter. We then started to makeout and it was really weird. The beginning of the dream was a very realistic situation, it's actually happened before and it was at a bar I frequent but I knew it was a dream when we started to kiss. His lips felt weird and unfamiliar. I realized I don't remember what his lips are like and so I can't imagine them in my dream. I guess my dream caught up with my conscience mind realizing it wasn't real and zombies came out of nowhere and there was a little bit of panic in thinking what to do and then I woke up before anything really happened. It was intense. It felt so real and I thought I had fallen into my ex's trap once again. Glad it was all a dream.

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