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Everything posted by efuru

  1. efuru

    Yay. Their album was a little lackluster for me but they're a good band so I'm excited.
  2. efuru

    Megamasso - Ancient Song
  3. efuru

    Shit black girls say *avi*
  4. efuru

    The vocalist is so cute.
  5. How about a project with a release date.
  6. efuru

    I love their logo. The music is really good. Takes me back to 2005/2006 oshare. And then the vocal came on....... smh.
  7. Who's the girl in エインシャントソング?
  8. Yes! 3rd times the charm. This band is so promising already.
  9. But what about the vocalist of mannequin? :/
  10. efuru

    Gym shorts and a red and white jersey style t shirt.
  11. efuru

    Simple and Clean is the way that I'm feeling.
  12. efuru

    Last night's fit.
  13. efuru

    Lianna La Havas - Ghost
  14. Canzel. That's so unfair. They shouldn't have broken up in the first place.
  15. I love the vocalist's voice so much!
  16. efuru

    LMAOO who steals a van like that?
  17. efuru

    What a pretty band! I hope they sound good too. At work, of course but I'll listen when I get off.
  18. It sounds a little all over the place. It's good it just needs some work.
  19. Gotta listen still but they look so creepy. :\\\
  20. efuru

    Welcome hun!
  21. Agreed with ^. Used to love this band but they're ao lackluster lately. :/
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