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Posts posted by yakihiko

  1. No, none of their stuff is available outside of the JP store, as far as I know.I'm kind of tempted to just shell out $6 right now to get a ¥500 gift card and buy this damn single. I've waited almost a year for it, and it's renewed my interest in D.I.D. (that pretty much died in 2013).

    You should apply more, because they should do the same with the others various digital songs xDD

    They should try go at least US store, but looks very expensive to keep in two stores.

    I had lost my interest in them too, but now grows again.

  2. The feeling I have with DISASTER was the same with SKIN and the japanese tracks from THE STALIN, but those 3 songs was way better as live versions, so this can change too soon.

    I was very pissed with the live-limited:

    first, they don't talk that felony's songs being remastered or not.

    second, it's expensive as hell trying to get it.

    third, thank a lot for Awakening Personality, I saw on mbok a combo with the three, but was very very expensive.

    @@Seimeisen If you liked Son of the bitch b-sides, you should try that new mini first than THE STALIN.

    In particular, alternative have the same vibe from Soab.

    @ I was waiting a lot for a new full album this year, but when LIVE THE STALIN got released, I kind had to re-schedule myself to, probably, the end of 2016.

  3. Their new mini is good, not all tracks are great, I can feel them more like Son of a bitch in this release.

    オルテナ and foxy foxy, are my favorite.

    La tarantulla and LETTER are good too.

    坩堝 and 零未来-zeroAsu- are regular.

    On the other hand, I can't listen DISASTER, just like 華 from Honestly and Mother b-sides.

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