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Posts posted by yakihiko

  1. Since everybody is talking about, SCUMS and NIGHTMARE, I will talk too :)

    SCUMS it's not a album I can say is amazing and etc.

    There are only 3 songs there I really enjoyed, they are: Deus ex machina (by far, my best track from this "new nightmare"), 404, and 終わる世界の…

    About NIGHTMARE, is kind different... I loved it.

    My fav is swallowtail, but I got to like some others tracks like Cherish, eleven, sorrow of the deceiver, Dazzle.

    I think NIGHTMARE, just get too much "hype" by some fans, cos was going to be their first full album after they joined Avex. Also bringing two "reprint editions" from their very last works from VAP too, for me they could have release it as a 3 track bonus on their previous singles on that time.

  2. Their staff deleted their Twitter support account! :(

    It used to be https://twitter.com/lastfmsupportbut they deleted it about 8 hours ago and now the name is in use by some joker. So don't be fooled, it's not official anymore.

    They deleted, that strange... Maybe they are 99,9% tired of the users complain about their new fail system.

    Btw, they are using @lastfm to try give some support.

  3. the site has been in a nosedive for the past 3/4 years, really don't know why people are so distraught about this. this shouldn't be a surprise

    I don't use the site that much, the app is easier to me... but the point that they force me to use beta instagram copy version is bleh.

    Also, they upload my first pic to be my main avi xD

  4. I am getting "502 Bad Gateway" on multiple sections of the website now.

    I get this in all section, even in my prof and the main page


    I finally access my prof, and just...

    Also my pic is from eras ago not my currently one and comments are mixed...

    Total mess fm

  5. They should come here to see the feedback, and see the foolish they made, great part of us use this for years.

    If they don't give the opportunity to use the old system, only beta, I will probably leave the site.

  6. Someone wants a advice about future of Last.fm?

    "Hey, we're getting ready to launch a brand new Last.fm. Want to try it out? Go explore."


    I can't change any settings and my messages got deleted.

  7. their songs "Dawn" "チェシャ(cheshire)" will be available for download through iTunes since 2015/08/19

    Worldwide or JP only?



    still waiting for their first CD (hopefully an album)

    A full album would be very cool indeed
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