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Posts posted by yakihiko

  1. I liked it for what it was. I mean I pretty sure they dropped a whole bunch behind the production of the Dogma PV so I'm satisfied with this. They'll probably do like they did with the other albums and release another PV later in the year like they did for "Last Heaven" and "To Dazzling Darkness".

    Last Heaven was exclusive to who bought a music player that I don't remember name, and TDD was for Film Bug 3.

    Maybe the future "Moviments" they will bring one or two more PV.

  2. Since the full thing got out already,

    After listen to the full DOGMA, I can say the same as @Disposable said:

    "It's still the same Gazette on this album as the last one and the one before that. The riffs are still by all intends and purposes Gazette riffs"

    DEUX that was a track I could clear see ppl enjoying, and looks like a TOXIC song in the end, most like UNTITLED.


    RAGE was by far my favorite one, vocal and the instrumentals on it, are very similar to an old band I really loved, B.C.


    INCUBUS was a song dat pass by unnoticed in the preview video, but the full song is kind amazing, also bit like DIVISION.


    LUCY and GRUDGE are like a generic song itself, but I do enjoyed those a bunch tbh.

    7/10 - 7,5/10

    DOGMA is the song I less really appreciate in the end. Probably I need to have a little more to listen.


  3. I still just can't delete my last.fm. Not now when I just achieved over 100 000 scrobbles. I will keep using last.fm forever, even if I don't like the new last.fm.

    Me netheir,

    Also, I still 42.000 and something, I want to beat ParaPara score!

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