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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. Tenten on music scene is what I wish I hope he can do a sold out!
  2. 今宵は鬱くしい and 気持ち悪いほど晴れた空をペンキで塗り潰した were live sold ? I was so excited to finally listen ララララ, but not there :<
  3. yakihiko

    Happy Birthday @kyoselflove! Enjoy your day as Koichi is enjoy this cupcake
  4. yakihiko

    For me, I'm not sharing a irrationally negative feeling, I'm pointing my care about the band and how people are laughing about their songs names and things, and you can notice this in here.@@Silverhawk33 Being in Avex, they get more famous around music scene, and have more new fans... but would you say that for example Carpediem is better than some others you like the most that aren't on Oricon? Not about a special album, is about their history. Yes, people can like or dislike, everyone have their personal taste.
  5. yakihiko

    "this took a hundred years to do but goddamn im happy with this fucking list." Mine took the last months to do, analyzing and putting in order, designing, changing... xD but seeing the final result worth it all. "i was eh on the edge of liking but didn't really care enough to listen to them more to review them. nonetheless i thought they were decent" MHBI and DOF.. pls emmny xD Yes for 死にたい , Camera Obscura and 夜明けを前に in full size. In parts for KEEL's releases, MORE and the GazettE
  6. yakihiko

    I play it time to time, I kind of waste a lot of Quickenings on Fran, and she is the lowest I have. My main team are Vaan, Balthier, Ash and Basch. Vaan and Balthier own a quickening each.
  7. yakihiko

    I like FFXII too, I still like to play it but there is a boss who don't let me defeat him, Vinuskar.
  8. yakihiko

    Posso até ver Delk com um copo de drink na mão rindo ao se lembrar dos br q vão tar no forninho club
  9. yakihiko

    Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories (PS2)
  10. yakihiko

    @@Kaye, The original P4 is in the same style as P3, later ATLUS released that P4 ARENA GAME. I had no idea P3 were on PSN for PS3. I currently playing KH Re:Chain of Memories for PS2, I also have that one for GBA, KH1 and KH2 for PS2.
  11. yakihiko

    Not about haters or hating, I liked and listened NIGHTMARE for almost 10years, and I still keep an eye on them... is about they doing things that they never did before and that they wouldn't do on the past, they are clear changing themselves on their own music.
  12. yakihiko

    Fabulous thread @beni! I'm looking forward to Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XV and Persona 5 too. I'm waiting for FFXV(ex.VersusXIII) since their first trailer, YEARS HAS PASSED and finally looks like it's coming! If you are interested in playing old Persona's games, try first Persona 3 FES and after Persona 4, both are for PS2 only. Now I just need to get my own PS4... [2]
  13. yakihiko

    Hopefully they will not fuck with my favorite song, love tripper
  14. yakihiko

    Their best tracks number 3 name fits perfect on their "ultimate circus" era. "VISUAL-KEI IS NOT DEAD, CUZ THEY'RE UNDEAD" So sad to see a band like NIGHTMARE doing such fool names nowadays.
  15. yakihiko

    Nice picks for 和楽器バンド, THE NOVEMBERS and KEEL! deep sleep is my favorite from them too
  16. yakihiko

    @@hiroki, I could finally give LUNAR PHASE a good listen and I really enjoyed it. Some tracks like "geek nerd neek" and "charming love" remind a bit カメレオ. But my highlights goes to "trigger", "暁月" and "LOLS".
  17. yakihiko

    NOOOOO There songs are lovely :<
  18. yakihiko

    The image was share by a Brazilian site, Yamato Music
  19. yakihiko

    So, maybe you need this magazine
  20. yakihiko

    Thankyou for the list and for doing those samples, your list looks completely different from what i had imagined[2] Would you be disappointed if I only know/like that Koba's Elegance album? I saw some around like picniq, but it don't catch me, kind of far from my music taste. last thing
  21. yakihiko

    Great things there! INAZUMA, mob, Camera Obscura
  22. yakihiko

    I have no idea you liked GAGA, or at least a release. Sad weren't able to release there last single. I prefer 籠絡 than 恍惚の花 Yay DADAROMA! I hope ザアザア can release those live sold later with a full album.
  23. yakihiko

    Update added: "Wish" single info and preview "Grace" MV full
  24. yakihiko

    @@Minami I kind of liked only VEXENT and IV from your list, and I should check Weed too. @@Zeus Zeus, Weed... now I know why your name is green jk
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