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Everything posted by yakihiko

  1. Oh no, my heart go to their fans...
  2. yakihiko

    You are doing great since the last time I came. I really enjoy how you do an amazing art with so simple elements and color, watermelon and meloncholy is a example. Keep doing it It your bday ? lol the subliminal message.
  3. yakihiko

    I really like the song too, but I prefer the LIVE CLIP itself than the original PV, it looks a bit empty with that red background only.
  4. yakihiko

    I always already getting my bag to go US .... Coldrain! Great band ahead!
  5. yakihiko

    Could be even worse, could be the Jota Quest from Japan
  6. yakihiko

    gimmegimmegimmegimmegimme~ [2] Sho snowboy!
  7. yakihiko

    BORN new and last look :'(
  8. Thank you for the recommendations guys. I will look forward to @fitear1590's LONDBOY release and listen to @emmny's DEZERT carefully... They now have Vivi xD Also, thank you for having me as guest. I hope we can make more business in the future
  9. yakihiko

    Someone needs to get it and share BORN, WK, the LOTUS, Kra, やまぴかりゃー and テキーラ東京
  10. yakihiko

    Sorry if this is not the place, but ps2 japanese games can be played on US PS2? Like Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (which were only released in japan only) edited: (Nevermind, manage to know) btw, I think games could have a topic itself to take doubts and to reply special questions
  11. yakihiko

    omg so cute and fancy
  12. Oh yeah! Moran feelings in lynch pls
  13. Well, when the Yoshiatsu poster comes,... I will want it <3
  14. yakihiko

    Não seja malvada migo...Te pago um meet&greet com a Inês
  15. yakihiko

    I go for THE NOVEMBERS, I enjoy Koba more, sorry Delk ...but I had to vote Lycaon... X'DD
  16. yakihiko

    ^ this, but you can also got from youtubers, they are leaking some keys. That's how I got mine.
  17. yakihiko

    I was able to get a key, and played The Division Beta... but I don't really liked it, or I should try it more.
  18. yakihiko

    BORN ONEMAN LIVE 2016 NEO SCREAM ~THE BLACK POPULAR~ @新宿ReNY (2016.01.23) ◆SETLIST◆ 01.BECAUSE 02.Extremely waltz 03.Vermin’s cry 04.more Deep 05.RED DESIRE 06.壊死 07.剥愛のスローモーション 08.foxy foxy 09.嫌 10.殉恋歌 11.排梳ノ蝶 12.THE STALIN 13.BLASTED ANIMALS 14.Criminal Berry 15.零未来-zero Asu- 16.BREAKTHROUGH 17.DIRTY STACKER EN1 01.Innocent Bullet 02.Rotten cherry 03.黒蟻 04.春煌花-SAKURA- 05.Recall the mind 06.RADICAL HYSTERIA 07.HONESTY EN2 01.ケミカルロマンス
  19. yakihiko

    we all have a max. size for sign, it should be that.
  20. yakihiko

    I love all those @nostalgia cat gifs, you know how make me laugh
  21. yakihiko

    Ciao Do you guys know some store that sell vk or jrock cds and things related in Rome? Some place for manga/anime are enjoyable too.
  22. yakihiko

    I have seen recently on twitter, a lot of people (musicians and normal) choosing 9 albums, the idea here is for you to pick around 9 albums (no more, no less) that you like the most or that in some part of your life was really important to you, no order is need. You can have Full Albums, Mini-Albums, Singles, even Vynils are okay. Not only Japanese... Also, try to pick one album per artist/band, and post at least one song video from a track inside Here are mine (not in order): Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High coldrain - VENA Linkin Park - Meteora NAINE - NEW ANSWER IS NEW ENDING BORN - BLACK THEORY MARKET ケミカルピクチャーズ 世界を撃った男 My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND - 青空のギロチン GREEN DAY - 21st Century Breakdown MUCC - Shangri-la 汚染区域 by My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIb7LsKbBWM Breaking the habit by Linkin Park https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2H4l9RpkwM
  23. yakihiko

    Where did you see this?
  24. yakihiko

    Hopefully he will act as a member bassist for MBHI
  25. yakihiko

    ^ Great ones you have there Yuki! For 魔天楼オペラ, there is a diference of alignment between the circle and the rest of the cover. what is, a hidden cover?
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