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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by orangetarts

  1. orangetarts

    ShhHhHhH yours are cooler ;w;
  2. orangetarts

    THIS BEAUT. Well, I just have his head for now...and his body is on its way HOLLA. and really my girlfriend bought him for me.
  3. orangetarts

    I'm watching kill la kill....and it's um...interesting to say the very least. but enjoyable. I have this huge list of anime to watch but..... i am a lazy faggot, so I dont watch them. I did manage to finish a good chunk of Hetalia. It was pretty great. Im sad I avoided it for so long.
  4. orangetarts

    I really miss them ;_; Like I was gone for a while and now I came back and their gone, too ;____; made being here a lot less enjoyable.
  5. orangetarts

    idk Ive really been into homestuck lately (IF YOU COULDNT TELL HERP) drawing is hard and it takes me 5ever. and Im lazy so I dont really do it very often.
  6. orangetarts

    AHHHH Hana <333 you know I always spazz over your artings huhu
  7. orangetarts

    Hehehe it's a wig
  8. orangetarts

    Awww thanks guys <33 I really missed you too T__T also Ito, your mission has already failed u_u
  9. orangetarts

    I /finally/ Started watching Hetalia like so late. But it's really hilarious.
  10. orangetarts

    I just went and saw The Quiet Ones on my birthday and I have to say I really enjoyed it! It was really interesting and I guess I just wish that it would have explained more.
  11. Im kind of back. Not sure how entirely active I'll be since Im working and trying really hard not to get fired. But I missed some of your faces and wanted to come back and chat
  12. orangetarts

    I got a new tattoo yaaaay.
  13. orangetarts

    This precious baby <3
  14. Right when I decide I like Crazy Shampoo they go and break up. Ugh what Assholes.

    1. paradoxal



    2. paradoxal


      @orangetarts I feel you bro, exact same thoughts... This year this exact same thing has happened with Crazy Shampoo, Lustknot, 2nd Dyz, CodeRebirth... I'm doomed to only like disbanding bands.

    3. togz


      Well maybe they'll remake a less wild alter ego band called sane conditioner.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  15. Just when I thought I was giving up on the VK scene this asshole has to bring this back from the dead. SIGHS LOUDLY. thanks for the news tho.
  16. I'm here, but not really.

  17. orangetarts

    What is this? Nightvale?
  18. orangetarts

    Hey guys! So I'm gonna be pretty busy over the next few months and I won't have a lot of time to check here and be active as often as I'd like. But I will be back soon! I'll miss you all ;__; <33
  19. orangetarts

    anxiously awaiting this. always good stuff from Diaura~
  20. orangetarts

    i second this to the fullest extent of the law.

    1. Ito


      It can! In 9 days XD

    2. Tokage


      no but it can be the 12th xDDD follow 4 more dr who jokes

  22. orangetarts

    KuRT. KuRT. KuRT. KuRT. DELUHI Ordermade Codomo A Kazoku Homura
  23. orangetarts

    Put 'kurt jrock' into google image search. I think its been confirmed that I am their biggest fan.
  24. orangetarts

    i went and saw VIXX in LA~~
  25. Is Zess a professional essay writer or something

    1. greeeeen


      It's almost like if I were Minky Momo and I wanted to write excellent essays I'd transform myself to Zess.

    2. Zeus
    3. GazeRockSnob
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