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Posts posted by appl-

  1. They sound so good!! I'm intereted....


    And this look looks pretty good too!








    They have Twitters too. 
    And here are some live videos: 



    What XDD 



    Seems like they will have bunch of lives soon. So if you are in Japan, try to come and check them! ;)

  2. 3 minutes ago, 『YELLOW DIAMOND』 said:

    Issei (ex-D.I.D. サポート)



    It's not Issei ex. It means Kei ex. D.I.D. support guitar. Issei is still with D.I.D. ;)


  3. 18 hours ago, 『YELLOW DIAMOND』 said:

    I give up man, D.I.D. is over with. 


    Dude, don't give up.  Even I feel the same.lol

    They just have a difficult time. 

    I understand why Tohma left.....But seems that they still are good friends with him. Tohma forever ok.

    Seems like D.I.D. belongs for Akane and Sho now. Because I've heared that Issei doesn't sound like he wants to stay with D.I.D. 

    Don't forget that Sho tweeted something in English that they are recording something.....So yah.... 
    They have tough time..... It's sad and my feelings are twisting but anyway, I will wait for them forever because they are one of the biggest band in my life.

    And they have no lives for a long time already, only Issei is having his session band. Follow him here https://twitter.com/boku_michael


    So yah....

  4. The last song called 「ぼくのわんだーらんど」 is from their album 「むくあ」. 
    I  can't help more. And I was thinking the same from where 「不幸少女の家出と脱け殻」 came. Like wtf??? Maybe live limited song or what.... And other songs without vocals can be just video music or just live opening music. Because as I remember they had looong opening intro when I saw them live.

  5. I’m doing shopping service for Lolita23q one day revival live with Sou!
    I can take only chekis! Shipping  woud be from Lithuania (Europe).
    1 cheki original price is 1,000 yen. 
    It’s the only one chance for you!!!!!!!! 


    I can try to trade chekis to your favourite member!!!! 

    Vo.颯(sou) (ex. Lolita23q, ex. Remming)
    Gt.剣(tsurugi) (Sadie)
    Gt.ユ≠キ(yuki) (ex. LOUD GRAPE)
    Ba.リョヲ丞(ryousuke) (WingWorks)
    Dr.BAN (ex. LOUD GRAPE)

    (I need to buy as many chekis as I can. So please, save my life by  buying it (;____;) )


    And maybe someone needs MEJIBRAY newest DVD? I can get it with signatures if you want!

    I'm going to 9/18 instore.

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