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Fin Paulux

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Status Updates posted by Fin Paulux

  1. Dear people I haven't met even once, could you be kind enough to recommend me something good to read. Sadly, the last book I enjoyed (or didn't , depending on how you look at it) was Kafka on the shore.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. hiroki


      @jig: OMG i literally just read Steppenwolf last week.

      Some recommendations from me:

      J. G. Ballard - Vermilion Sands

      Sylvia Plath - The Bell Jar

      Julian Barnes - The Sense of an Ending

      E. M. Forster - A Room with a View

    3. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      Thank you for the detailed lists, some (albeit, few) of the titles I am familiar with. For the moment I settled with Mishima Yukio, since I have been postponing it for the right time.

      "Kokoro" is second on my list, due to the fact it was offered to me total of 4 times, including @plastic_rainbow's suggestion.

      Finishing "Candide" should come first, but I am reluctant to do so. I will keep what you guys wrote for future reference ^__^

    4. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      In all honesty, I've been avoiding The Bell Jar in fear it might click too well with me :/

  2. I don't feel the Christmas spirit this year :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      I think it's some cruel way to know I grew up :D Then again, could be the lack of Christmas atmosphere, no snow, everything is foggy and gray.

    3. YuyoDrift
    4. PsychoΔelica


      I haven't felt it most of my life. And now I know Santa is just a hoax lol

  3. Tall girl problem 101: people (most often guys) with Napoleon complex. T.T

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      That's the thing, I'm not even considered tall, I'm 5'6 :D

    3. Shir0


      short girl problem:

      when you're short aaand have an napoleon complex (maybe that's just me tho)

    4. MaikoMizu


      Most girls here are nearly my height of 5'9

  4. I am soooo back :D What's up people with lovely music taste?
    Fill me in on the music scene, I am so behind 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jigsaw9


      BUCK-TICK will release a new single at the end of February and a new album in mid-March, that's all that's worth knowing. ;<

    3. anadentone


      bandmates are banging fans, drummers are banging, bands break up, some killed someone,ppl be going awol and Yoshiki is doing something Yoshiki-esque

    4. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      The Buck-Tick Tick one I know,I'm off the grid but I still follow them :). Eh? Someone killed someone :0 

  5. Go left, go left go left right, left! Go left, go left go left right, left! ...or so does the guy from my player screams for the past few moments 0,0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Champ213


      Reminds me of this guy:

    3. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      Actually it was P.O.' s song, but that captain is so much livelier.

    4. sai


      R.I.P Captain Jack :-(

  6. When your friends show zero interest in things you adore. Not too pleasant, I tell you.

  7. BUCK-TICK = no sleep.

    1. Tetora


      Good stuff.

    2. sai


      Package in Japanese airport for 4 days --> cry a lot

    3. Jigsaw9


      DA DA DA DA GA GA GA GA × infinity

  8. Fellow Monochromes from the Almighty USA *eagles muffled* Did you happen to see a Delorean today? *____*

    1. YuyoDrift


      Not sure, but plenty have been sold today for......research purposes.

    2. doombox


      Only spammed all over my Facebook feed. Lol.

    3. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      I see. Sneaky Doc!

      I kiiinda still can't see my flying car either :D

  9. So I haven't been around for one year or so, what happened to this place :o
    It's so fancy now ~

    1. CAT5


      Why yes, we now boast the most lavish memes and hold the standard for finest shitposting in the land. :cheers:


    2. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      Really though? I must say I started watching Rupaul's drag race,  for the past two weeks I've seen all sorts of things, both lavish and shitpost-y  :D

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      you missed the best member at mh - blackdoll. also trombe is retired (kinda, he still bothers users behind secret usernames such as the ever so brilliant Ebmort).

  10. Saw my profile here for the first time. Why am I ''Not telling'' ? :D

  11. I'm not particulary crazy about my new tittle/level of evolution here. :D

    1. Jigsaw9


      Life's not easy. XD

  12. Don't know if good, but I'm on a music treasure hunt. Again. (:

    1. Jigsaw9


      Music treasure hunts are magical~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

  13. I'm so envious of people that have both time and money...at the exact same moment. It's always either one for me :D

    1. nick


      at least it's better than not having both of time and money at the same moment. :P

  14. I'm listening to 悪????, but somehow I'm hearing David Bowie. :D

    1. Jigsaw9


      best of both worlds

  15. I hope that Asagi will get better soon, new release aside, if he's in pain all the time that's really really serious. I hope even hardcore fans would show understanding.

  16. When you just want to get fit, but people tell you "you shouldn't lose weight." I'm around 100 pounds, do you think I'm planning to lose some? Since when by "fit" people understand ''diet'' ? I'm just a lazy ass that decided to try not being as lazy of an ass :D

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