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  1. Interesting
    Elazmus got a reaction from Total Saikou in RAKUGAKI alterego band 羅苦餓鬼 releases 1st digital single   
    Sounds cool !! This is more what I expected when they originally signed to AINS.
    Sooooo... Kagrou - XII DIZZY anyone?
    Still good either way!
    I agree although I know the result is me being confused at my library after a year or two as to who all these other bands are lol!
  2. Interesting
    Elazmus got a reaction from Senedjem in RAKUGAKI alterego band 羅苦餓鬼 releases 1st digital single   
    Sounds cool !! This is more what I expected when they originally signed to AINS.
    Sooooo... Kagrou - XII DIZZY anyone?
    Still good either way!
    I agree although I know the result is me being confused at my library after a year or two as to who all these other bands are lol!
  3. LOLOL
    Elazmus got a reaction from Rize in RAKUGAKI alterego band 羅苦餓鬼 releases 1st digital single   
    Sounds cool !! This is more what I expected when they originally signed to AINS.
    Sooooo... Kagrou - XII DIZZY anyone?
    Still good either way!
    I agree although I know the result is me being confused at my library after a year or two as to who all these other bands are lol!
  4. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Rize in RAKUGAKI alterego band 羅苦餓鬼 releases 1st digital single   
    That's pretty cool! I like the alterego concept, it feels fresh in the ears :3 More bands should do this tbh
  5. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Jigsaw9 in RAKUGAKI alterego band 羅苦餓鬼 releases 1st digital single   
    For some reason this completely flew under my radar, but it appears RAKUGAKI has released their 1st digital single under their alterego moniker 羅苦餓鬼 (also read as "Rakugaki") on 2020/10/31, titled 『殺意二満チタ貴女へ…』("Satsui NI miCHITA kijo E..."). As you could guess from the stylization of the title, it's more of a dark kote-kei influenced record compared to their usual eclectic pop-punk rock style.
    This comes as too late now, but they were also taking pre-orders for a special made-to-order cassette version of the single until 8th November (i.e. the number of copies are limited to the number of preorders). So that slipped us by now, but at least we can listen to the tunes online.
    TuneCore link
    Here is the Youtube playlist of the single for those who don't have Spotify and want to have a quick listen:
    I thought this was quite fun! Still sad to see these guys go so soon...
  6. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Yukami in どく(Doku) 12 consecutive singles release   
  7. Like
    Elazmus reacted to zetork in 仮病 (Kebyo) new mini album, 解体新書-令和版-   
    New Look 






  8. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Yukami in ClearVeil revival in 2021?   
    2021.03.28 in HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA

  9. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Shaolan974 in Chanty new maxi-single "色を失くしたこの街で" (Iro wo Shitsukushita kono Machi de) release   
    Chanty new maxi-single "色を失くしたこの街で" (Iro wo Shitsukushita kono Machi de) will be released at 2020/12
  10. Like
    Elazmus reacted to sleepy coffee in 仮病 (Kebyo) new mini album, 解体新書-令和版-   
    解体新書-令和版- will be released December 23rd and have 4 tracks, music video for the track "white" has been uploaded. 
    Also for some reason the band has migrated to a new twitter so you might miss updates if you're not following it, heres a clip of another song on this release
  11. Like
    Elazmus got a reaction from Furik in NUL. digital single "BLACK SWAN" release + new album in winter 2020   
    Hizumi sounding somehow stronger than ever ❤️
  12. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Shaolan974 in New band "鐘ト銃声" (Kane to Juusei) has formed   
    New Nagoya-based band "鐘ト銃声" (Kane to Juusei) has formed at 2019/08
    Vo. 狂ヰ散流
    Gu. 百合子 (Yuriko)
    Ba. 潤-URU-
    Dr. 詠真 (Eishin)
    their concept is : 君ト僕 (Kimi to Boku)
    their live-distributed single "東京都無職 小林アキヒト(28)" (Tokyoto Mushoku Kobayashi Akihito (28)) has been released
  13. I feel ya..
    Elazmus got a reaction from Axius in NUL. digital single "BLACK SWAN" release + new album in winter 2020   
    Hizumi sounding somehow stronger than ever ❤️
  14. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Shaolan974 in SHIVA 3-month consecutive digital singles release   
    SHIVA 3-month consecutive digital singles will be released as follow :
    2020/10/25 『晩秋に赫』 (Banshuu ni Aka)
    2020/11/25 『滅』 (Metsu)
    2020/12/25 『RETINA in the Snow』
  15. LOVE!
  16. I feel ya..
    Elazmus got a reaction from Enki in 自我-ジガ- (jiga) will disband   
    I liked MEIDARA but the debut album with AINS was pretty weak I thought.
  17. Like
  18. LOVE!
  19. Like
  20. Like
    Elazmus reacted to Shaolan974 in Soanプロジェクトwith手鞠 (Soan Project with Temari) new digital single "不確かな浄白と不可視下の静寂" (Futashikana Innocent  to Fukashika no Silent) release   
    Soanプロジェクトwith手鞠 (Soan Project with Temari) new digital single "不確かな浄白と不可視下の静寂" (Futashikana Innocent  to Fukashika no Silent) has been released at 2020/06/01
  21. LOVE!
    Elazmus reacted to sleepy coffee in New 仮病 (KEBYO) Look, Bassist, and Mini Album   
    New song ?
  22. Like
    Elazmus got a reaction from -NOVA- in XANVALA new single "XANADU" release   
    bless VK for teaching people words I guess!

  23. LOVE!
  24. LOLOL
    Elazmus got a reaction from Wakarimashita in XANVALA new single "XANADU" release   
    bless VK for teaching people words I guess!

  25. LOLOL
    Elazmus got a reaction from sakuran in XANVALA new single "XANADU" release   
    bless VK for teaching people words I guess!

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