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Status Updates posted by colorful人生

  1. Been a bit lethargic the past week or so being bombarded with studying and colds. Trying to be a bit more productive this week.

  2. Been listening to Pentatonix, T-pop, and Vaporwave recently. Bizarre but refreshing combo.

  3. Been so busy the past several days, tomorrow should be nice though. Get some stuff done *wink*

    1. cirrus


      stuff = VK music listening :P

    2. colorful人生


      yesss, music in general actually. Constantly in and out of classes with a dead ipod is dreadful. Found my charger today though.

  4. Bought some Airish and xTRiPx for next week as a present to myself! Ultra excited :D.

    1. CaRaN


      Yay!! I preordered xTRiPx's mini too!

    2. hiroki
  5. Came back from my spring break trip to a parking fine -_- ...

    1. Tetora


      Those jealous buggers.

  6. CDJapan just changed their layout, quite refreshing.

    1. Mihenno


      omg it's SO NICE

    2. Jigsaw9
    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      it's so ugly xD

  7. changing romaji titles is a nightmare when you have 20k tracks...

    1. Tetora


      Eheheh suckers... My only issue is LastFM scrobbling my songs as things people screw up or use romanji etc in... My title is perfect yet it scrobbles as some other caca.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      The worst is when you're not sure which kanji to use because they use super obscure ones or different ones for word play. Don't even get me started on sometimes having to use UTF-8 special characters ( ~ , [], etc) for songs too

    3. Seimeisen


      Romaji is definitely annoying, but you know what's also annoying? English tiles in F U L L W I D T H T E X T !

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  8. DIV - 漂??彼女 is not too shabby. Not the best they've put out, but it's pretty decent. Finally got to hear some Shogo vocals on hungry soul. (I think that's him?)

    1. Tetora


      Yeah I like it.


    1. Tetora


      They done did it.

  10. DIV pls... Chobi is not supposed to be scary and CHISA isn't in Anli Pollicino

    1. Rize


      Yeah, Chisa really reminded me of Anli Pollicino with his long hair. It's one of a surprising new look :)

  11. EGOIST 's Reloaded & Door are awesome tracks. (*_*).

  12. Ended up buying Hartfield - L.I.B.R.A at a used bookstore near me. They have waayy too much Gackt stuff than necessary =P.

  13. Ended up finally making a twitter during MH downtime... Hopefully, I can stick with it >_>

  14. Extensively searched for a track assuming that it would be non-existent on the internet having used mp3 search engines and various foreign websites only to finally find it on SoundCloud. Really?! Of all places?

    1. fitear1590


      SoundCloud and Bandcamp have some hidden gems sometimes!

  15. Finally acquiring the complete Serial story collection, I'm tempted to start a translation project since I can't read any of the novels :/...

    1. ricchubunny


      u mean UNiTE's?

    2. colorful人生


      yep, I just got ????れも?? so I'm kinda interested in what they entail of. (just figured out I only need the 美空???? booklet and 忘れ??)

    3. ricchubunny


      yeah, i have wasuremonotoo :P i could try to translate but my english sucks

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  16. Finally back home from uni. Let the auction shipments commence ヽ(^Д^)ノ

  17. Finally got into auctions, just nabbed Anfinit - Rebirth. Time to wait on shipment :D.

  18. Finally got my Anfinit - グロリア CD which interestingly enough came with vol. 27 of SEX POT ReVeNGe (which I never heard of). I guess I have a bit more trust in campus shipping >_>...

    1. CaRaN
    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I receive to this vinyl syndicate with my D.I.D single ^^

  19. Finding a ton of good music through Ebin gondola vids... I don't know how I feel about this.

  20. Fire alarm at almost 3:00 A.M T_T. Why? WHY?!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up

    2. cirrus


      to save you from the fire i guess? lol :P

  21. First package of package mayhem has arrived. Hello, VK goodness!

  22. For some reason (b/c need to lurk moar) I had no idea what "tanuki" (not the big-balled racoon) was until now. I read some for 10~20 min. on fav bands. WTFLOL shit's dark yo.

    1. paradoxal


      tanuki is my life, best shit ever

    2. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      sleep with fans = he has hiv, is into scat. don't sleep with fans = prolly gay, has mental problems. i love japanese fans lol

  23. Forgot my free trial of Apple Music (JP) ended... My balance is gone for the new DIV single, but I still get to listen to it... yay?

    1. colorful人生


      Also, Metronome is the shit 10/10

  24. Found a picture of Shogo and his dog... I couldn't help myself...

  25. gawd, why have I never listened to AvelCain before...?

    1. Shir0


      it's never to late to listen to them ;)

    2. togz


      Oh man we are in the same boat

    3. beni


      So worth it, glad you managed to hear them now!

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