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Posts posted by digi

  1. Rather surprised I didn't respond to this topic before.


    Old vk to me, would be anything from '90 to '05, which is certainly a broad range. In that case, I'd most definitely prefer old vk to new any day. New visual kei doesn't do anything for me, to be quite honest. But of course there are some exceptions. 


    There's something about those old matina/soleil bands losing their shit in a song, and dressing in the gaudiest of artificial leathers, that simply do not compare to the sparkly, glittered-up, boyband-esque bands of today. Needless to say, the music was just as awful then as it is now, but old vk had this certain charm about it that makes it a whole lot more enjoyable as a whole, for me. But then again, maybe I'm just biased towards flour-faced men in PVC attire, recording shitty (yet lovely) music to satisfy my ears.


    With all that goff matina stuff aside, I also find that the older angura or nagoya bands such as cali gari, mucc, kalimero, or deadman, also stood out to me more than any new vk band ever has. Once again, I find that these two particular subgenres have quite the charm to them. Certainly gives you a sense of nostalgia and immense emotion to listen to artists like these, which is something I like.


    The musicianship from the older era of things seemed to be of a more excellent quality, in general. In most cases, you can surely sense when there's a lot of feeling and thought put into a song, and I cannot sense that with most things I've heard from the newer spectrum of vk. Not to say the musicianship is horrid here, but it doesn't quite feel the same.


    This is just my two cents though, and should probably be taken with a grain of salt. I'd to conclude that I'm also very surprised at how many others here prefer the older era.

  2. I sing along to just about everything. (and horribly so)


    Especially g-schmitt and Yapoo's because I'd like to think that I'm just as rad as Syoko and Jun Togawa, when in reality I'm the complete opposite ;<

  3. A lot of bands I prefer to listen to on studio versions, simply because of better quality etc.


    Some bands in particular though, I feel like I can only thoroughly enjoy when listening in live version. For example, BUCK-TICK. Their definitely a prime example of a band that needs to be listened to live. Much more..emotion, I might say, of course. And much more impressive.


    I guess I can say the same for a lot of industrial/punk bands like einstürzende neubauten or Swans. Most definitely better to hear live versions over studio. Atmosphere is incredible too.

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