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Posts posted by digi

  1. I'd have to pick amber gris. Snoozy and Roll is simply perfect.

    1. Plastic Tree - Kuchizuke

    2. Sandwich de 120 pun? - Shoujo Umbrella

    3. Hotel Shinigami - White Horror

    4. Dir en Grey - THE DEEPER VILENESS

    5. Ageha Biscuits - Maho Tsukai Carrie

    6. Lanus Dune - Murder case...Rainy afternoon

    7. Idenshi Kumikae Kodomokai - Mahou Shoujo vs. Mecha sensei

    8. La Dispute - King Park

    9. Mu Mu - me*ga*ne

    10. Poisonous Doll - ZONE


    This list is once again, really diverse. Not my favorite though. You can kinda see my dorky angura nerd showing through this list :x

    Anyway, I'm going with Plastic Tree on this one. 

  2. I'm sure someone here knows or uses Carbonite, an online file backup program.


    Now...I'm no tech wiz so this was really bothering me :'D


    I started a free trial with carbonite and now it's expired. Ok, yeah that's fine BUT I got a notification somewhat like this; "In 5 days all x,xxx files from xxx's laptop will be deleted".


    Does this mean my files are ACTUALLY being deleted from MY computer, or just from Carbonite's servers?


    I really hope it's the latter because I'd kill someone if I lost all my files :x


    I know it's a dumb question but any help is more than appreciated ;w; 

  3. Def. gotta go with BUCK-TICK on that list. 


    1. 黒ピエ - 悪魔レーシング

    2. Dir en Grey - Stuck Man

    3. 犬神サーカス団 - CRAZY CAT LADY

    4. kuRt - Sweet Lemon Broker

    5. Dir en Grey - Spilled Milk

    6. Dir en Grey - Kodou

    7. Velze Dieulawahl - Rasen

    8. Kibouya Honpo - Uchuu Ribbon

    9. Pleur - Nukumori no Genjitsu

    10. K_mama - Ginza


    A lot of diru in this list sheesh

    This list made it hard to pick a favorite ugh 

    I chose Kuro Pie because his music is so catchy. Pietoro really was a great artist.

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