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Posts posted by digi

  1. I've heard many great things about Sogo Ishii, but I still haven't gotten around to watching any of his films for some reason. Someone recommended that I watch Burst City, but I'll definitely start with Electric Dragon first now!


    Might go on to Burst City after that one~

  2. Went through this whole thread, and there are lots of films I need to check out now thanks to you guys! I'm huge on horror/exploitation/experimental films, but I suppose I don't really have much to recommend. I'm more into splatter/slasher/shock films more than anything, so I guess if I were to name some faves, they'd be Rubber's Lover, 964 Pinocchio, Color Me Blood Red, and even the infamous Guinea Pig series. 


    Rubber's Lover and 964 Pinocchio are both by Shozin Fukui, and are both considered to be cyberpunk films, along with movies like Tetsuo: The Iron Man etc, but I still consider them horror nonetheless. Plenty of surreal effects, graphic violence, bizarre shit and the like. I love 'em.


    Color Me Blood Red is the only non-japanese one on that short list, but there are many other films I love that are non-japanese of course. 


    I wouldn't really recommend the Guinea Pig series to anyone, lol. Even though it's on my favorites list, I still think it's cheesy as hell, but great at the same time. Somehow, I never really thought the effects were all THAT realistic, but I guess that's because I've became desensitized to gore movies over the years.


    Some other honorable mentions include Eraserhead, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and of course, Halloween. 

    Eraserhead surely isn't a typical horror film, but it's depressing as fuck. It's probably one of the only movies out there that have made me feel disconnected from the world around me throughout the course of watching it. All around great.


    I don't even think I need to talk about the other two movies I mentioned. They're just plain great. In fact, I don't even know why I included those in just "honorable mentions" but whatever.


    With that said, I'm open to any recommendations you guys might have~

  3. Uguhgugh, this is great. I loved both classic Ruby and Sapphire games, so I can't imagine I'd be disappointed with this at all. I'm leaning more towards Sapphire already, since it seems most of my friends are wanting to get Ruby. 


    I can't wait for November now ;_;

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