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Everything posted by digi

  1. digi

    A turkey and cheese sub.
  2. digi

    らりるれろ - ヱレキテル式
  3. digi

    I was expecting this but it's saddening considering that I really enjoyed their music.
  4. digi

    Well this is interesting news ._.
  5. no nO NO WHY this is terrible ; ___ ; although I wish that ramido will recover soon.
  6. digi

    a soda with the last dollar I had :'D
  7. pshhh because kurono is great, that is why ; w ;
  8. digi

    歪んだ鏡 - Cali≠Gari
  9. digi

    bad day because I had to attend an open casket viewing. Then tomorrow is the funeral for that person and just no ; _ ;
  10. digi

    Well they didn't take long to disband.
  11. digi

    wait what. ok then lmao
  12. digi

    苺69。- Hakusho
  13. digi

    Sounds great~ Although it would be a lot better if they just came back for good, but that's not gonna happen.
  14. digi

    This was a pretty tough decision for me to make. Although, Amber Gris is still pretty amazing, I'd have to go for 9GBO. They're still one of my favorites 'till today.
  15. digi


  16. Ah I hope he gets better soon!
  17. digi


    Welcome here~! I hope you enjoy it here!
  18. digi

    This sucks ; ______ ;
  19. digi

    Awake is love <3 hopefully this single will be great too~
  20. digi

    Hmmm Plastic Tree fan? Amazing~ Welcome here
  21. digi

    Welcome to MH~
  22. digi

    Gill'e Cadith- 片恋☆ドランカー
  23. digi

    Welcome to MH ^^
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