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Everything posted by digi

  1. i didnt even realize it was july already

  2. digi

    oh dear, the band names people come up with these days. basing on the preview though, they dont sound too bad.
  3. digi

    well this is kind of odd. hopefully, it's good news but who knows what will happen from here on out.
  4. digi

    Hi there! Welcome to the forum ~ also...yay for Cali-gari and Adapter! its cool to someone who likes them
  5. digi

    im really loving the look and music. Cant wait to hear more of them
  6. I wasnt expecting the vocals to be that...weak, i guess you could say? Anyway, the preview was pretty bland too. /was hoping for a lot better tbh/
  7. digi

  8. digi

    Deadly Sanctuary and ANTI FEMINISM - 闇 ~ BLACK LIST ~
  9. digi

    Welcome to the forum STAR~ Might i add, im a fan of YOHIO also I know a lot of people on here who hate him, but that is a great attitude to have! But yeah, welcome to the forum and i hope you enjoy your stay
  10. digi

    wooo i like the preview!
  11. digi

    its cool to see Yuu again~ sounds great ^^
  12. i still dont understand how someone can go from Izabel Varosa to PIECElang, but okay. hopefully, this solo project will be great like Izabel was
  13. digi

    I feel bad for the children being born from them, they have now been infected with the disease that causes them to be in a shitty pretty boy band that people call vkei nowadays.
  14. wooo shuuji ishii fan? cool shuuji is a musical mastermind~ oh and chiptunes are great, aren't they? Anyways, welcome to MH~
  15. digi

    welcome to MH! Also, all the bands in that list are great. your music taste is pretty rad
  16. digi

    Oh gosh. This is terrible. I haven't listened to their music but, I wish the best for the band and his family
  17. digi

    Kanashimi Wa Kawa Ni Nagashite Kakebe - SEX ANDROID
  18. hnnng get better temari D:
  19. digi

    Seconding this because wow dat setlist ; A ;
  20. digi

    黒夢 - For Dear
  21. digi

    well that was quick
  22. digi

    ooh the songs sound nice but wth is with that band name "placebo"
  23. digi

    Duel Jewel - Aishu Melancholia
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