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Everything posted by digi

  1. digi

    Welcome to MH Buck-tick is amazing~
  2. digi

    Welcome~ Mejibray FTW!
  3. digi

    Welcome~ hope you enjoy it here at the forums~
  4. digi

    Does anyone know what happened to the members of Rugia【g】gram? I haven't heard anything yet on what had happened to them except for a revival live :/
  5. digi

    lol never thought I would see Kikyo and Misa in a band together ♡ I just hope it's better than Picasso :/
  6. Hello there~ welcome to MH ♡
  7. digi

  8. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ amazing!!
  9. digi

    Re:no has improved a lot (^ー^)ノ I'm proud ♡
  10. digi

    Welcome to MH
  11. Woahhhhh theeeree lol good for him. It's about time some visual kei bandmen settle down considering some are in their 40's and not a single word is ever said about them getting married lol
  12. Nothing special really just a few drawings to show you guys (even though they suck) ♡ lol I drew chibi sanpun because I was bored ♡ Well yeah...I'll post more drawings in this thread until it gets way too filled up Enjoy the shitty art ♡
  13. digi

    No. Do you like pumpkin pie?
  14. digi

    Absolutely ♡ Do you like Halloween?
  15. *drops everything and runs to family to buy me tickets*
  16. digi

    Fuckkkkk this isn't good news to hear DX
  17. digi

    Well, hopefully I'll like it. Wasn't a fan of their last releases
  18. digi

    Not that surprising but still bad news
  19. digi

    Some of it ♡ it's a little bit too much for me at times though, but that's just my inner hipsterfag coming out in me XD do you have an instagram?
  20. digi

    I really see nothing wrong with liking the looks either. I mean it is called VISUAL KEI for a reason, right? I won't lie, if the bands looks are looking like they popped out of a gyaru-o host club I'm definitely not gonna waste my time when I know they're not being serious about it. That's really the reason I don't listen to most kpop or any of that neo VK shit sorry if I'm getting off topic, I just wanted to get my word in on Gizorz's comment ♡
  21. digi

    DEG all the way. If it wasn't for them (and syndrome) I would've never gotten into VK. I loved all of their works, including their latest singles/albums even though I wasn't AS interested in it than their early works. ♡ As for the gazette... I like them also. Everything up to DIM was amazing, but after that it just went downhill. Especially with TOXIC and DIVISION. As a Gazette fan I know that this is not their full potential and that they CAN do better. What's making me lose interest in them is simply just the fact that they want to appeal more to the mainstream crowd. I can understand them for wanting to be on the safe side though. I will give the gazette the benefit of the doubt and hope they will realize what talent they have, but until then DEG will always be on top ♡ and too the people claiming this is unfair...not necessarily...it's just a matter of opinion, it's not like we're doing this to bash how the gazette is
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