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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. Goddamn, I had my wisdom teeth removed finally but the pain is still so damn bad two days later... I really hope I don't have dry socket...

    1. freesia


      I had two of mine removed last week. It hurt so much but I barely felt anything after taking the pain killers!

  2. Hello favorite new band~
  3. tetsu_sama69

    Aw man, I was concerned since their releases were much more staggered than their previous band but now it all makes sense... I really hope they move onto a more active project especially Yukari.
  4. I don't know. The full screaming was good because Keisuke is really fucking good at it but it's nice to see a vocalist grown out of that as well. Yes, it's the current trend with vk to have full metalcore screams with clean vocals and yes, bands are just going to do that these days because it's the thing to do. The thing is that it's not bad. I actually quite like this song even though they're adapting a slightly different way you also have to think that this may be one of the "softer" songs on the album as well.
  5. tetsu_sama69

  6. Getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow....

    1. doombox


      You got this! Little bit of pain but it'll be worth it all after. (I feel you, I've had all of mine removed.)

    2. tetsu_sama69


      These will be #5 and #6 I'm losing the time. But they assure me that they will be the last to get pulled.

  7. tetsu_sama69

    Yes, oh god yes. More goffik vampire kei~
  8. Giving my life meaning with these quality Cuartet rips

  9. tetsu_sama69

    Ah no, I'm not saying he was a terrible drummer in the slightest just his past history makes this not a surprise.
  10. tetsu_sama69

    Ex-Elm eh? Interesting. At least it's better than the pseudo-serious drummer they had before.
  11. tetsu_sama69

    Shit that's some good jams right there.
  12. tetsu_sama69

    I'm floored with his support members.
  13. You thought we were the GazettE all along BUT NO! WE WERE DIR EN GREY!!


    1. saishuu


      well they WERE following Gazette's footsteps... becoming DEG is in the script...

    2. Seimeisen


      Holy shit, I didn't hate this

    3. Tokage


      this is what the people want

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  14. tetsu_sama69

    Lots of people keeping telling me to stay at my current job but as time passes I'm just becoming more depressed and unhappy. They say I should at least stay until my dental stuff is over with but at this rate my job is really killing me inside. I have less motivation to do things and interact with others. I'm starting to hate even going home because it's all just temporary and I'm not getting the release I usually do through music and my hobbies because I'm just dreading going back to work.
  15. tetsu_sama69

  16. Two more bad teeth down, now to just go through the recovery...

  17. Getting 3 more teeth pulled tomorrow... this road to recovering my mouth is sure going to be interesting. I MUST BE STRONG!!!



    1. doombox


      Pain is temporary. You got this! :thumbs:

  18. tetsu_sama69

    Man, I really need to make sure my personal happiness is the most important thing. Gotta get my teeth fixed and wait until that's done to get things moving in another direction. I'm really getting fed up at work with how much slack I have to pick up along with a couple others in my department because of a few bad apples we can't get rid of. Yeah, I make a lot more money now but my sanity... the cost to my sanity has been so damn high it's not worth it anymore. But I can't until I get my teeth fixed... the struggle... The depression is really starting to eat at me...
  19. tetsu_sama69

    I love these guys a lot and I was just chilling last night watching a bunch of their lives...
  20. tetsu_sama69

    Look at all these fine bitches~
  21. tetsu_sama69

    Man I really really want to see them again but they aren't headlining in Tempe this time.... THE STRUGGLE!!


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