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Posts posted by Wakarimashita

  1. 1 hour ago, Furik said:


    Thanks! Unfortunately amazon.jp doesn't ship to where I live and TBVVVVVH I'd rather have a new copy, I don't personally like used CDs if I don't see the condition they're in first. Besides, the point was: reprint those goddamn albums everyone's been looking for, dumbasses 🤐

  2. They undoubtably dropped the last few visual details they had in their songs. And it's no surprise: they want to appeal to the western audiences. I was expecting so much more from Meku tbh, after being jailed in Kamijo's iron grasp for years...


    Ps FACELESS weirdly sounds like Asking Alexandria's The Black, is it just me?

  3. 21 minutes ago, diva-rin said:

    Or maybe they just have specific ideas and principles, and if the external circumstances do not allow them to act out their ideas, then it is better to disband with dignity


    Excuse me, but it just doesn't make even remotely sense. Everyone is on halt and this is just a temporary measure due to covid (which is, in fact going to be beaten within months), there literally is no reason to cry about it and threatening a disbandment other than milking the fans out of fear

  4. 56 minutes ago, Kabukichoatmidnight said:

    Well it certainly is better than the standards set with "Ignite" alone, but nothing really mind blowing in my opinion. Just Jiluka being Jiluka minus those great moments that will pull you back in for repeat listens over and over.


    That's Menace you are looking for. I was so surprised they graced us with some dirty shredding again. It's a great, great track. But ye, I tend to agree, although this album feels much more "old JILUKA" if you get my point.

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