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Everything posted by patientZERO

  1. That's true. I really didn't think about it like that. I just fear the worst in situations It's a bad habit. Thanks for a different perspective! They did look pretty happy at the last live I saw them in.
  2. Maybe this is me just being a pessimist, but I think this means that Shinya is now the only member of Dir en grey that isn't involved in some sort of side/solo project. I'm fearing the end of Dir en grey more and more ...
  3. It's a picture of the snowy woods with some red smattered over it. This isn't the Mona Lisa. Anyone with elementary Photoshop knowledge can crap this out ... And I didn't say it was ugly (except for the disgusting logo). I said it wasn't great. So unknot your panties!
  4. Yeah, I know. I guess it just depends on the bands you go see. At the Nokubura live I went to, Hiro called for like three Walls of Death. While they were tame in comparison to Western pits, the crowd was primarily male, so it was still fun. Same thing with the Deviloof show I went to.
  5. Kaoru is confirmed to join Aoki Yutaka’s Solo Album “Lost in Forest”, which will be released January 18, 2017. More info.
  6. That's one of the weakest walls of death I've ever seen!
  7. The CD art isn't that great ... especially the logo. Kisaki needs to quit Photoshop. Also, does he really need to put "MUSIC by KISAKI" at the bottom. It's his fucking project. He might as well just have called this "KISAKI project's project featuring KISAKI with music by KISAKI, starring KISAKI." Tone down the ego broseph.
  8. patientZERO

    2016 = burnout VK year (even though HNiB isn't VK).
  9. patientZERO

    That name ... that's a bit pompous ...
  10. Sometimes people have issues with confrontation. It might have been easier for him to disappear than it was for him to anxiously face his friends and tell them he wanted out. Anxiety is no joke.
  11. patientZERO

    Mid-day maps are always a bad idea. So why did I bother taking one?!
  12. patientZERO

    Dope! Now tour the US!
  13. patientZERO

    I hope they only play George Michael covers.
  14. patientZERO

    The first song was not bad. Not great, but listenable standard VK fare. The second song, however is pretty horrid. The vocalist can't find his voice.
  15. patientZERO

    This band is too good to have live-limited releases.
  16. patientZERO

    ^ Okay, the member photos do make them look like an eight-piece band. I will give you that! I would kill to see them both play together, though. That would be a damn good concert!
  17. patientZERO

    I've always thought of making a compilation of common sets in VK! There's always that church that is in PVs. Nokubura shot their PV for DESPERATE there and I think Phantasmagoria and DELUHI among many other bands have PVs there. This isn't very uncommon in any genre of music, though, especially VK. The colors look similar, but I think you may just be reaching a bit because they're so close together. Their outfits look different, the camera angle is different and sure, both vocalists have a leg up, but again this isn't an uncommon pose. Just look at the amount of vocalists who did the whole "hand over mouth" pose in the early 2000s.
  18. patientZERO

    Why does there have to be a different track on each type?! My wallet is already crying.
  19. patientZERO

    True. I didn't think of that. Haha! You have to give Yuuki at least 10 minutes to rip people's arms out of their sockets.
  20. patientZERO

    You're entirely entitled to your own opinion, so don't think that it has less credit because you differ in opinion! Personally, though, I dislike when a band has a guitar solo on every song. It's becoming the norm in a lot of bands, but I feel like it kind of lessens the effect of each solo. For instance, Nokubura is one of my favorite bands, but pretty every song gives Cazqui a wank session. Again, I'm not saying it's bad, but I feel like just like you said there's a balance of tones, solos need to be balanced as well.
  21. patientZERO

    You mean there's bands that have a similar look in the VK genre? Blasphemy!
  22. patientZERO

    ^ I agree. If this was a 2-man live, it must have been a pretty short show, unless chariots took the stage longer.
  23. patientZERO

    Really? I think すてきな唄。 is my favorite song by them! Mei's face-shaking growl/scream thing is phenomenal, although you can hear an audible drop in recording quality in their later releases.
  24. patientZERO

    From the bathroom to the kitchen! Kuroyuri to Kage, keep it coming!
  25. patientZERO

    How about when stores have "urban fiction" sections? I feel like we're trying to work towards a non-segregated world, yet people who write "urban fiction" are okay with this.
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