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Everything posted by patientZERO

  1. patientZERO

    When Deadman Walking opened for Deviloof, a real pit broke out, which was dope! I hadn't moshed in forever, so I had to get in on that! Regardless, have fun for me!
  2. patientZERO

    If you go, have a blast and throw some 'bows for me. I haven't moshed in ages! haha
  3. patientZERO

    Hoshit! Shikari Sound System?! I'm so glad that they're still cool with each other. Seeing them together live was one of my most memorable experiences!
  4. patientZERO

    I didn't mean that Amemura DROP was only for VK, but more that Dir en grey wasn't a VK show. Haha I saw Deviloof there at their oneman in October. I planned on going to a lot more shows before I had to go home, but unfortunately money got tight. Those benches on the side came in handy when I wanted to store my bag without finding a coin locker. I wish I could be there this month to see HONE YOUR SENSE and INCEPTION OF GENOCIDE together.
  5. patientZERO

    Namba Hatch to see Dir en grey, but my first real VK livehouse was Amemura DROP.
  6. patientZERO

    On Sunday, I started reading My Best friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix based on some recommendations through Goodreads. I'm honestly enjoying it and flying through it, though it's a bit of a slow burn so far. I'm a sucker for "coming of age" stories and I love myself some horror. And being a product of the 90's helps as well. It has some weird bits that feel very YA, though where it will be a page or two of pictures of what's being written about and it started out like a yearbook, but it hasn't really kept that theme very much. Odd presentation, but engaging writing so far.
  7. patientZERO

    Jin used to refer to himself as "vomiter" instead of "vocalist" when he was in ネガ.
  8. I would love any Develop One's Faculties lyrics, but primarily, I'm curious as to the what the rambling parts are in I WANT MY FREEDOM. Thanks!
  9. patientZERO

    Starwave Records looks to be the Rockstar Records of 2017.
  10. patientZERO

    Me too! Hockey and Dir en grey are two of my favorite things in life!
  11. patientZERO

    It wasn't very much of a documentary. Asher just reenacted some events that people remember from having night terrors. Nothing productive was said about night terrors. It would be like if somebody made a "documentary" that was just people's reenactments of memories they had while under the influence of drugs and then failing to mention anything about the drugs themselves. He did the same thing with Room 237 where he just reenacted people's ridiculous interpretations of The Shining. Neither of them served any purpose and just cashed in on other people's thoughts/ideas. I can understand why you were entertained, but I was just miffed.
  12. patientZERO

    I'm on it.
  13. patientZERO

    I'm glad you enjoyed that?
  14. patientZERO

    I HATED The Nightmare. It's not a documentary at all, just an elongated bastardized dramatization of sleep terrors. Coming from someone who's family member has had sleept terrors, it's not cool. And the whole "night terrors brought me closer to Jesus ..." Goddam I hated the whole thing! Plus, it's directed by the same guy who did Room 237 (Rodney Ascher) another non-documentary ... I could go on and on about how much I dislike the guy and his 'films' but I'll leave it at that.
  15. patientZERO

    Rocking the chinstrap like Riku.
  16. patientZERO

  17. patientZERO

    Next release will be green. Primary color-kei.
  18. patientZERO

    The song itself is better than their first offering, but the recording is still not good. The cymbals still sound like they've been recorded under water and the second guitar part is so muddled it's barely recognizable. And where's the bass?
  19. patientZERO

  20. patientZERO

    Wow .... somebody is super salty about their free internet video content ...
  21. patientZERO

    I've been using the alpha tamiya side-cutters since starting the hobby a little over two years ago and have gone through three of them already as they get dull quite quickly. When I was in Japan, I couldn't find any Godhands, so the GP nippers will have to suffice for now!
  22. patientZERO

    The HG Fenice was one of my favorite builds when it came out. I'm a sucker for asymmetrical designs. Unfortunately, I've moved back on campus, so I had to leave my HUGE back catalogue at home, but I brought my MG RX-78-2 3.0 with me as well as the HG Barbatos 6th form. It's the only HG Barb I haven't built yet. I haven't started building them yet because my best friend bought me a pair of these beauties so I'm waiting for them to show up (or rather for the mail room at my campus to open since they're closed on weekends) and then I'll crack into the 3.0. I'm glad there's a thread for Gunpla, here!
  23. patientZERO

    Day five of being sick ... some things feel better, but others feel worse. I almost passed out getting out of the shower this morning. If I had fucking health insurance, I would go to a doctor, but instead, I'm just lying here and slowly dying inside.
  24. patientZERO

    Was there ever a concrete reason for their disbandment?
  25. patientZERO

    Wow ... I didn't think that it would sound like this. Usually when you think of solo projects, you think of more technical stuff. I'm not complaining, though!
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