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Everything posted by leafwork

  1. It sounds like Kaya's solo stuff and I am very happy about this
  2. A recent favorite that my boyfriend turned me on to. From Turkey.
  3. A recent favorite that my boyfriend turned me on to. From Turkey.
  4. leafwork

    past+present: 1) David Sylvian 2) Björk 3) Tani Takuma (Jikkendai Marmot) 4) Kaya 5) Morrie (DEAD END etc.) (this is not any real order)
  5. leafwork

    The vocals are strongly auto-tuned. Notice the flawless pitch, but utter lack of vibrato.
  6. leafwork

    On the mental side, I've struggled with severe anxiety and depression since my early teens. I ultimately had to drop out of high school halfway through my freshman year when I started having severe panic attacks. It took a decade (and eventually medication) for me to even start putting my life back together.
  7. leafwork

    Kerbal Space Program with Real Solar System and Realism Overhaul. #rocketnerd
    1. Elazmus


      *still making MiAface*

    2. yakihiko


      MiA looks really really drunk on it x'D

    3. emmny


      mia would fuck anything for ugly loubs and a marcelo burlon shirt

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  8. leafwork

    Also, new switches/potentiometers/output jack for my new guitar.
  9. leafwork

    実験台モルモット I'll have to do a whole collection showoff video thing once I get some new shelves and such. Right now stuff is just stacked wherever it will fit.
  10. I buy too much crap
  11. leafwork

    Hello everyone! Some time ago I opened an Etsy shop with the handmade jewelry I make. Check it out if you're so inclined. http://leafworkjewelry.com
  12. leafwork

    Lareine - fiancailles Versailles - Aristocrat's Symphony 9GOATS BLACK OUT, particularly early-ish amber gris - in general, but particularly this Also a big +1 for earlyish D'espairsRay.
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