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Scarlet Obsidian

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Everything posted by Scarlet Obsidian

  1. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hey there and welcome to MH!! Enjoy your time in here!! Nice music taste by the way...
  2. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hammerfall - Destined For Glory
  3. Scarlet Obsidian

    WTF is happening with all these disbandments lately??!?!? O.o
  4. Scarlet Obsidian

    Damn, only one new song, but I'm happy about those retakes! Can't wait to hear the full PV song and those new ver. of those already awesome songs!!
  5. Scarlet Obsidian

    SCAPEGOAT - 赤いバスルーム
  6. Scarlet Obsidian

    I know all of those artists, but I like only Dir en grey, LUNA SEA, Rentrer en soi, 12012 and VIdoll 1- 我羇道(GAKIDO) - 優しいカケラ 2- ユナイト - 失望エミュレイター 3- Alice Nine - High and Low 4- Lustknot. - Veronica 5- RENTRER EN SOI - I HATE MYSELF AND WANT TO DIE 6- LM.C - Little Fat Man Boy 7- Jupiter - Classical Element 8- アヲイ - 冷たい手 9- Para:noir - nihilism. 10- SuG - 契約彼女、生贄彼氏 Nice list! I love all these artists but I have to pick the GAKIDO song because it's really beautiful and it's one of my favorite by them!
  7. Scarlet Obsidian

    SCAPEGOAT - 禁じられた遊戯
  8. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hey there and welcome to MH!! Enjoy your stay in here!
  9. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hey there and welcome to MH!! What are your favorites (except GACKT<---- I love him too *__*) ?? Anyway enjoy your time in here!
  10. Scarlet Obsidian

    WORST NEWS OF THE YEAR. I really don't know what to say...
  11. Scarlet Obsidian

    Sounds pretty good!
  12. Nice preview and nice new look!
  13. Yay, finally they're releasing something!! Looking forward to it!
  14. Previews sound good! It seems that they improved since the first time I heard them
  15. Scarlet Obsidian

    Nice My favorite are Nightmare, Gazette, Kagrra, Sadie, SID and many many more!
  16. Scarlet Obsidian

    A bunch of books for school
  17. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hey there and welcome to MH!! May I ask you what your favorite band(s) is/are? And btw, enjoy your time in here!
  18. Yay, NIKKY!! And I'm also excited for the new single!
  19. Scarlet Obsidian

    Awesome! Can't wait to hear the entire album (apart from minus jin-say orchestra's track..)!
  20. Scarlet Obsidian

    10/10 *___*
  21. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hey there and welcome to MH! I love Dir en grey too *__* and some La'Mule songs Btw, enjoy your time in here!
  22. Scarlet Obsidian

    Nihilizm - LIBERATED AREA
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