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Scarlet Obsidian

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Everything posted by Scarlet Obsidian

  1. Scarlet Obsidian

    I love those previews *___* Can't wait to hear the full album!!
  2. Scarlet Obsidian

    I know, it's just that I want to talk to her and want to know if she's still open for a friendship, but I don't have the guts to text her or something... I'm afraid of the answer she'd give me...
  3. Scarlet Obsidian

    Not yet...
  4. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hunger Games: Catching Fire's DVD *__*
  5. Scarlet Obsidian

    Nice! I want to hear more from these guys!
  6. Scarlet Obsidian

    Hellz yeah! Can't wait! [2]
  7. Scarlet Obsidian

    Oh no, what a sad news I liked them!
  8. Scarlet Obsidian

    Sounds nice! I always loved Sui's voice
  9. Scarlet Obsidian

    Black Gene for the Next Scene - Tokyo 侍 シアター
  10. Scarlet Obsidian

    Cool news!
  11. I really like the new song
  12. Scarlet Obsidian

  13. Scarlet Obsidian

    just what? O.o I absolutely didn't expect this...it's so sad.
  14. Scarlet Obsidian

    Black Gene for the Next Scene - シニカルワー悪〜This is monster world〜
  15. Wow...that was awesome! SCAPEGOAT gets better and better with every release
  16. Scarlet Obsidian

    Love it! *__* I wanna hear the full album now!
  17. Scarlet Obsidian

    The previews sound great! I'm looking forward to hear more from them and I want to know who the other members are...imo they are the ones who will participate in that session at Arlequin's live in May...
  18. Scarlet Obsidian

    ^Maybe that's my problem too. I don't really go out much either...I prefer staying at home and just relax or go to a friend's house and watch a film, talking, having fun with each other than going for example to the disco or something, where there are 426443652647 billions of people that you don't even know.
  19. Scarlet Obsidian

    黒夢 - 解凍実験 (NEW RECORDING)
  20. Scarlet Obsidian

    I'm really happy for you
  21. Scarlet Obsidian

    Well, it was my first time falling in love, so I was all happy with the idea of being in love with someone and what not, but when she told me that I wasn't the right guy for her, my heart literally broke, because I was so in love with her. And I cried, when I was alone, for at least a week over this, but she never left my thoughts...she was still my first thought when I woke up for a couple months later and only, like, 2 months ago I started to focus on other things and slowly "erasing" my unconditional love for her. But lately I've been thinking that I should talk to her again, because I feel empty and I need her in my life anyway. By the way, I really think that I'm doomed to never get a gf in my life...
  22. Scarlet Obsidian

    I'm nearly 20 and never even went on a date '_' I fell in love once and I was thinking that it was going to be my very first relationship with a girl, but in the end it has been all screwed up. Anyway, I don't really mind if I'm single for the rest of my life. Actually I prefer to stay on my own without stressing about "relationship stuff"...I'm already stressed with studying, so please let's not increase it. However sometimes it seems like I need to be in a relationship because almost all my closest friends are coupled and they seem so happy... :') And I also hate people who tell me "Isn't it time you had a gf?" and stuff like that...just f**k you. Everything comes when it's its moment, there's no rush!
  23. Scarlet Obsidian

    Sounds nice!
  24. Scarlet Obsidian

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