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Everything posted by Thedane

  1. Thedane

    I honestly didn't even notice until now, ha, by all means, keep it like this.
  2. Thedane

    ^ That's a matter of taste. That's a lot of CD's, going to try and get them all.
  3. Bah, their new logo... I don't like it as much as their previous one. This single... I have such high hopes for it.
  4. Not bad at all, but this doesn't sound like NEGA in any way, shape or form... only connection is JIN's amazing vocals.
  5. Unexpected but extremely welcome. If this is anything like -273.15℃ I'll be beyond excited. (provided he'll release something)
  6. As long as it isn't cancelled, sweet. I think I'll give the live dist a shot, should be able to get it.
  7. Oh, that is pretty sweet, been waiting for this!
  8. Thedane

    Had to get it, so good.
  9. Thedane

    Sucks, hope they'll manage to find a replacement, they better not disband :/
  10. I've seen the movie, several times (pretty good, at least I think so) but I simply can't figure out, what they're doing in the movie, what their part is. Their name appear in the credits, so they must have done something, but what... no clue.
  11. Thedane

    Well, that's the end of 凛 for me... Sui, gah, horrible, can't stand his voice.
  12. Thedane

    If Riku is not the vocalist, I doubt I'd get much enjoyment from 凛 o_o Of course, if the new guy (or girl, not judging) is good, guess it'll be okay.
  13. Thedane

    .... God damn it, they were amazing.
  14. DISGUST and HOLYCLOCK, enough for me.
  15. They're getting screwed, if anything. Dang, I actually liked them, this can't be good.
  16. Thedane

    No way on earth I could resist getting this.
  17. Thedane

  18. Thedane

    I'll jump on the praise wagon for now, holy fuck those samples are great. Can't wait for it to arrive.
  19. Thedane

    They're not √eight, by no means, but for what they are, it's not that bad. I don't understand all the negative feedback, I've heard worse that still got praised to the skies.
  20. 1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? (Judgement-Free-Zone) I buy whatever I can, from the bands that I enjoy. However, I only buy more than 1 version, if I deem them different enough to justify that. 2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands? Only if they come along as a bonus, although I do like to buy towels, they're quite nice to have. 3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter? Some of them I do follow, by no means all. 4: Would you follow them on the street? Nope, never. 5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone) No.. not my thing. 6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life? Not too sure on that, I've been part of the alternative lifestyles before I got into VK, but it certainly helped me being motivated enough to keep it. 7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music? Yes, absolutely, when the bands doesn't tour around me, I'll have to tour around them. 8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...? Only if my friends tell me about it, not something I dig up on my own. 9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ) Already there. 10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)? Hell no, never, I'm not worthy of that.
  21. Thedane

    .... Why... they were amazing ):
  22. Thedane

    I really want that, so badly.
  23. Both my brothers have been converted, not exactly die hard fans, but they've picked a few bands they like. Then I'd say... 4 of my friends, 1 of which have been converted 100%. None of them have been into the same bands like me, it's mostly mucc that gets them, then they wander off on their own.
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