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  1. Like
    ghost got a reaction from nekkichi in Dan's videos   
    Yah! Glad you guys like.
    Actually, I made 5 second film about food last year-> The Great Escape
  2. Like
    ghost reacted to Crube in Show Yourself (again)   
  3. Like
    ghost reacted to nekkichi in Dan's videos   
    this is incredible, thanks for sharing
    will you make a video about food?
  4. Like
    ghost reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with Kuroyuri to kage^^ 
  5. Like
    ghost reacted to beni in Show Yourself (again)   
  6. Like
    ghost reacted to CAT5 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Selfie taking skills = 0, the lighting is horribad as usual, but here we are:
  7. Like
    ghost got a reaction from CAT5 in Dan's videos   
    After reading some psalms from the Bible, I was inspired to write a short song. 
    I drew inspiration from bands like Rentrer en Soi and Screw (from their indie days) and, as the song is based off the Bible, there are some orchestral/Gothic qualities to it as well.
    The video was just for fun so there isn't really a narrative. It's also pretty corny.
    Don't look to deeply into it ; )
  8. Like
    ghost got a reaction from nekkichi in Dan's videos   
    My best medium is video and music so I thought I'd post some of my work here.
    Here's my most recent work. Finished just this morning!
    Falling into Winter

    Fall has passed and Winter is now here to stay.
    I wanted to capture the essence of these seasons using my home as the setting. 
    Because, after all, isn't home the place we all gather to enjoy this time of year?
    All video was shot and edited by me.
    All music was written and recorded by me.
    The food, however, was not made by me.
  9. Like
    ghost got a reaction from nekkichi in Dan's videos   
    After reading some psalms from the Bible, I was inspired to write a short song. 
    I drew inspiration from bands like Rentrer en Soi and Screw (from their indie days) and, as the song is based off the Bible, there are some orchestral/Gothic qualities to it as well.
    The video was just for fun so there isn't really a narrative. It's also pretty corny.
    Don't look to deeply into it ; )
  10. Like
    ghost got a reaction from Tetora in Dan's videos   
    After reading some psalms from the Bible, I was inspired to write a short song. 
    I drew inspiration from bands like Rentrer en Soi and Screw (from their indie days) and, as the song is based off the Bible, there are some orchestral/Gothic qualities to it as well.
    The video was just for fun so there isn't really a narrative. It's also pretty corny.
    Don't look to deeply into it ; )
  11. Like
    ghost got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Your last music-related buy!   
    Charisma.com - ai ai syndrome LP

    Got the original T-ANNEX release from last year
  12. Like
    ghost got a reaction from leafwork in Your last music-related buy!   
    Charisma.com - ai ai syndrome LP

    Got the original T-ANNEX release from last year
  13. Like
    ghost got a reaction from herpes in Your last music-related buy!   
    Charisma.com - ai ai syndrome LP

    Got the original T-ANNEX release from last year
  14. Like
    ghost reacted to Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    [REC] 4: Apocalypse - Weird to think that I watched the first movie 7 years ago, wow. Practically followed the whole thing from the beginning, and now we're at the end. Was it good? Well~ it wasn't bad I guess. The previous movie set my expectations high with its trailer but then somehow I was left disappointed, even tho it had its moments. This (supposedly) last one was just like... "okay, here we go, *runtime passes* okay it's over." xD There wasn't anything particularly scary or funny or cool about it, except maybe some of the infected-makeup and the set design (I'm a sucker for claustrophobic industrial spaces). Just mediocre but kinda enjoyable. The ending was kinda lame tho imo.
    Oh well, the first 2 films will always be in my imaginary top list, and I guess it's better to close the story after 4 movies instead of letting it all go to hell completely on subsequent mindless sequels. I might re-watch all 4 movies in a kind of mini-marathon in the future, I just like their overall vibe (and I feel like the 3rd and 4th ones might seem nicer that way too, as parts of one continuous story).

  15. Like
    ghost reacted to The Reverend in Your last music-related buy!   
    Just bought Blast's - 緋い領域 (s/o to Rarezhut... diggin' the new key logo) and it's fucking beautiful.

    It's a weird bigger than CD but smaller than DVD sized case but it's one of those buys that makes you glad you own a physical copy even though you already have a good rip.... really cool case design for an indies band.
  16. Like
    ghost reacted to beni in #27: PERFECT RAINBOW by LM.C   
    Artist: LM.C Single: PERFECT RAINBOW Score: Just a couple colours off from being a "PERFECT RAINBOW"
    If you’ve previously released a mini-album titled "PERFECT FANTASY" within the same year with a similar tracklist of eight songs in total, then you’re asking for comparisons. Since "PERFECT FANTASY" was a personal favourite release in 2014, you might already have guessed that I’m not that impressed with the rap rocking electro duo this time. I must confess I judged "PERFECT RAINBOW" with their other mini-album in mind, but who can really blame me? It did, indeed, fall short of my expectations on first listen. But let’s get on to the undeniable comparisons later and dive head first into this colourful rainbow.

    Instrumental opening track ‘VantaBLACK’ is a very fantastical and imagery inducing intro. Starting off with some futuristic, spacey sounds, faint piano keys can be heard after these inclusions, then turning into electric currents. It flows into ‘JUST LIKE THIS!!’ wonderfully, which starts with more fittingly used piano taps and Maya soothingly sing a few romantic Engrish lyrics. After this quiet starting point, we’re treated to that massive electro party sound we all know and love by these dudes. The track is brilliant and really stands out after the strong opener. It’s sure to get long-time fans comfortable with its reminiscent sound to older LM.C jams. With a catchy beat and a chorus bursting with energy, it’ll get you up, dancing, and hyped for more. In contrast, ‘MOGURA’ is a dark and heavy song. As the only song to be spotlighted outside the mini-album release, it’s a solid track. However, within this tracklist, it stands out like a sore thumb due to it having a sound not all gumballs and rainbows as would be expected from the pair, ultimately making the track fall flat in the long run. What follows is ‘Amnizia,’ an instantly toe tapping number thanks to its repetitive drum beat. The simple structure and sound actually make this one of the more enjoyable tracks. It's catchy as soon as it begins!
    ‘Minor Leaguers’ Song’ comes next, and similar to 'MOGURA,' this one's got an interesting spin on sound. It's reminiscent to punk bands like ‘Good Charlotte,' due to it sounding as perfect as one of those cheesy school anthem sing-along songs. While there’s more going on than in previous tracks, it’s actually not that captivating. This track mixes the rapping with an anthemic approach vocal-wise with little bits of parade/orchestra marching like features such as the trumpets and overlapping vocal effect. However, a nice addition to it is the trumpets at the end of the chorus that play in tune to the lullaby ‘Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star;' fitting for a band who often sing about stars. Enjoyable as it is during the listen, in the end, all this makes for is a forgettable track. ‘LADY TALK’ has an 80s disco sound which is a very charming inclusion. The electro currents are old school sounding, and it’s a smooth and slow track which reminds me of ‘PLASTICZOOMS.’ But you know it’s still LM.C you’re hearing with their cheerful tune and sparkly chorus! The following track, ‘キミヨサラバ,’ has a steady tempo just like 'LADY TALK,' and it keeps to a straight path as well. Being the ballad of the mini-album, it's a very pleasant one which still keeps your attention. We come to the end of the rainbow with 'BRAND NEW RAINBOW.' Opening up with a playful funfair sound, the track is highly energetic and doesn't tire, giving the mini-album a closer more pleasing than its opener.
    What LM.C has accomplished brilliantly is sticking to the same types of tracks in both releases. We’ve got the disco tune, ‘JUST LIKE THIS!!,’ the mysterious piece, ‘Amnizia,’ the positive track, ‘Minor Leaguers’ Song’ and the ballad song, ‘キミヨサラバ,’ to name just a few examples. The opening and closing tracks are, really, the stand out points of this mini-album, starting and ending the mini-album on a high. The release has a few new and different sounds, which indicates the duo are experimenting with their style. This is all good on its own, but it’s still got some polishing to do. When I’m not comparing it to "PERFECT FANTASY," it’s good. When I’m judging it on its own, it’s still just good. Maybe if both mini-albums were put together as a full-length album, it would've gotten four stars, since "PERFECT FANTASY" is truly perfect. While "PERFECT RAINBOW" is far from perfect, don’t judge this release by its title.
  17. Like
    ghost got a reaction from Mr Bacon in Notable (Maxi-)Singles   
    @fitear1590: Totally love this idea! I'm a single man myself (no pun intended. Actually, intended.).
    @saishuu: Totally second Mizu Yume Miru...I LOVE the 3rd track.

    Dir en Grey - ain't afraid to die

    Sadie - Kokui no shita no yokubou to, kunou no hate ni mita hyakkei no yuritachi

  18. Like
    ghost reacted to Ito in Ito's best photos of 2014   
    If anyone wants to check out and vote in my "Best of 2014" photo contest, that would be most appreciated! Basically, I went though and picked out my top 20 shot I took and edited in 2014 and I thought it would be fun to have a vote to see what people think is my best work.
    Pretty much every like, share, and favorite counts as a vote. - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.834431983289752.1073741888.364489880283967&type=1
    And if you want to see the album in higher quality on Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/60154274@N00/sets/72157650894940376/
  19. Like
    ghost reacted to Ito in MH FEATURED POLL #16: What do you think of 'Engrish' in Japanese music?   
    I think Engrish is kind of luck the uncanny valley for me. It's fine if it is so bad I can barely recognize it as English, and it's fine if it is clear and understandable, but that middle ground where it sounds like they are trying so hard and failing miserably is the part that drives me nuts.
  20. Like
    ghost reacted to fitear1590 in Notable (Maxi-)Singles   
    I think it's pretty clear that many music buffs tend to be more album-oriented. Just look, year end lists tend to consist only of albums! EPs/mini-albums squeak their way onto these lists occasionally, but it's not often that maxi-singles get any attention. "If the title track is included on an album, then why bother talking about the maxi-single release!" Well, this thread is to help us mend that ideology.

    While the OR team is taking strides towards more recognition of individual tracks (see our monthly and year-end best track lists), this topic is to help recognize notable (maxi-)singles that might have been overlooked in all the hubbub over albums.

    Discuss some of your favorite (maxi-)singles here!

    A few pointers:
    1) If the release is a single (i.e 1 track, no b-sides), it must not be included on any of the given band's albums/EPs/mini-albums (greatest hits collections are excluded). You can fudge this rule if the single recording is different from the version included on another release.
    2) If the release is a maxi-single (usually a single track, with 1-3 b-sides/SE/instrumentals), the entirety of the release must be of note for you. And preferably, the b-sides should not have shown up on any of the given band's albums/EPs/mini-albums.
    3) For now, let's keep this limited to Japanese music (but any scenes/genres are welcome!).
    4) Share your (maxi-)singles with a little blurb about why you chose it. If you can provide links (YouTube, etc.), do it!

    So let's get this started! I'll share a few that I have in mind later.
  21. Like
    ghost reacted to saishuu in Notable (Maxi-)Singles   
    Off the top of my head, I could list:
    LUNA SEA has always had some spectacular b-sides (even after reforming they still kept it up, mostly with "Lost World"). The title-track here is not really the standout imo, although it was one of the first songs I heard from them so it holds lots of nostalgia for me. The real reason for mentioning this single is because it also includes this gem and possibly the best b-side ever released by a Japanese band:
    2) RENTRER EN SOI - 水夢見る蝶々
    Everyone raves about Sphire-Croid and the Kein and Astre mini-albums, but they all seem to forget that RES released this single inbetween and it might as well be one of their best CDs. Third track "偽りの渦" is absolutely gorgeous and I could say that, considering their entire disco, it's easily top 3 material for me.
    I'll go around my library later to see if anything else comes to mind.
  22. Like
    ghost got a reaction from herpes in Your last music-related buy!   

    -iinazuke blue/Super Girl (HMV limited 7" lp single)
    -ai ai syndrome
    BTW, first order from HMV, everything went swelllll
  23. Like
    ghost reacted to kyoselflove in Why did you choose your username?   
    Because this makes me happy.
  24. Like
    ghost got a reaction from CAT5 in Why did you choose your username?   
    My nickname (or was) in for reals life.
  25. Like
    ghost reacted to CAT5 in Why did you choose your username?   
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