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Posts posted by jduv86

  1. In visual kei that line doesn't really exist. Visual kei is all about selling yourself, exaggerating your posture/facial expressions/actions, and generally being dramatic while playing music. To say they're "trying too hard" and to leave it at that reeks of criticism for the sake of criticizing and it doesn't sound very convincing or relevant. After all, neither you or I really know what they mean by that. Visual kei bands can't try too hard. The vast majority of them (including the two bands you listed) could do with a bit of trying harder.


    Obligasolos are something I have noticed from time to time. However, I don't mind. I'd rather a solo that doesn't fit than a breakdown that doesn't fit.



    There was no criticism to be reeked...in fact, I wasn't criticizing at al...It was a general question about something I've observed from others on here. I have a hard time understanding why a person would say it's showing off when like you said that's really what VK is about. 

  2. I've noticed that sometimes when someone hears a song on here by particular bands, they say some of the members are just showing off. Can't remember who, but someone said this in regards to Kazuki of SCREW..I think something like "we get it, you can play guitar"...something of that nature. And it has also been said about Mia in Mejibray. What do you think? When does it cross the line between showing your skill and looking cool while doing it to just showing off?

  3. Don't understand why Ko-ki gets hurt in VIVID and people say that seems suspicious but Meto gets hurt and everyone is like "aww poor Meto"....That being stated...."aww poor Meto" He's my favorite in the group lol

  4. sure why not!? I actually like Americanized Kpop with Korean language! Most real Kpop is this dancey techno stuff that gets kind of repetitive. I like the beats of American music, but I like the messages behind the Kpop music. I'm also heavily into this new thing with these rap groups being Kpop such as Block B, BTS, Troy, etc, etc.


    Some of my favorites:



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