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Posts posted by jduv86

  1. + Inivisible Wall +

    + Kugutsue +

    + Crucify Sorrow +

    + Chijou +

    + Anata no Tame no Kono inochi +

    + Miseinen +

    + Required Malefunction +

    + Suicide Circus +

    + Filth in the Beauty +

    + Kare Uta +

  2. I doubt a lot of people go to Mejibray for new ideas though. I just think they as well as I like the songs they make. At least when they do these monthly singles they actually produces decent (A prior, Emily, DIE KUSSE) to great (Sadisgate, Avalon) songs. Many bands can't really do that. Most bands that do that seem to just make a single out of the rejected material from their album or mini at least that what it sounds like. I can't say any of these singles that Mejibray actually does can fit on Silver.exe or Messiah.bat or Emotional Karma...


    On another note - I really like the covers for Shuusei! I think this is my favorite look for the band!

  3. sounds decent. Sounds like they found a new direction and Yuuki's vocals seem to be getting back to normal... what I mean by that is he had a decent voice when they started and then all of a sudden after Royal Order, his vocals seemed to get annoying...kind of whiney and off...but he sounds good here. The preview however much I do love all that electronic stuff thrown into songs...is still kind of bland overall. It's good but nothing amazing.

  4. Pretty much agree with Augie...


    I think Reita can make good songs...I mean miseinen was pretty sick....even if he just came up with the intro part, he at least gave the band a direction for the song to be developed. But Bite to All....eh...I would want him to stay away from that. It's not bad, just not all that memorable.


    It's so hard to judge Kai's music style because he's only composed one song (at least on the site), but I did highly enjoy Ganges ni Akai Bara...love the dancability of it. So I'd be curious to see how his song turn out.


    If they are burnt from ideas, maybe they should let their minor composers (Kai and Reita and possibly Aoi) come up with the majority of songs for a change.

  5. Let's go! Nothing can stray me away from Gazette, so I was
    eagered as hell to get into this new single....and I got this out of


    Fadeless: I like the overall atmosphere the
    song presents...very rugged and old school Gazette rock...like they woke
    up and said "f*ck it, let's do a song". It's the raw-ness of the song
    that attracts me not the complexity which instrumentally there really
    isn't non except for the solo. I don't believe a song needs to be overly
    complicated to be good. After all, a lot of popular American songs are
    like the same 3 chords played in a different order.I think this hits the
    nail on the head with what Ruki said I believe about it sounding like a
    NIL and Stacked Rubbish combo. They took the female vocals that I loved
    from Stacked Rubbish and put it into this song...I think it works
    except for the chorus. Though not my favorite, still decent. 3/5


    Quiet: Lame title...and quite boring....this is NOT what I expected out of the preview. It's just....boring.


    ....QUIET... PLEDGE without the interesting bits? Far too long? For a ballad, I think that's the perfect length. The intro wasn't as spectacular as any of the ballads they have put out recently like VOICELESS FEAR, Kago no Sanagi, or Kagefumi, but this song was a lot better than 2/3 of those. I judged this song based on the title mostly because the last time Ruki had vocal problems, VOICELESS FEAR was born. Now we have QUIET. The lyrics paint a story of what seems like someone going through a death, a loss, but I feel like behind it is the root of the problems he had early this year. The guitar solo is very early as compared to other songs and maybe the tempo isn't as fast which makes it "boring" but, honestly, it's a ballad, what'd you expect? Tempo of 140bpm, sprinting guitars?


    It's not that to me. It just seems so lifeless. Something about the melody. I mean think about Deluhi ballads "Ivory and Irony" "Remember Rain" "The Farthest"....some of them worked (Ivory and Irony, Remember Rain) and some of them didn't (The Farthest, Hoshi something something...can't rmember off the top of my head), but I can't say I was bored with them because the melodies in the songs were really done well (mostly because Leda is a song construction genius). I think they should have just put a little more work into the melody that's all. Ruki's singing doesn't bother me though...2/5


    FORBIDDEN BEAVER - if we're going with animal titles, I prefer "Clever Monkey" over "Forbidden Beaver". I would say it is like...a mix of "Hedoro" and "Swallowtail on the Death Valley" with no female vocals and "Love Addict" by VAMP. I honestly had to listen to this song 10X in a row beofre I could even remember anything interesting about it AND i still can't rmemeber anything interesting about it....very disappointing...I wouldn't even be happy hearing this in a live...this is another one of the raw "fuck it, we'll just throw a song together"....ONLY this time....unlike Fadeless, it works against them. It's not boring...it's just not all that great, but hey! at least it's not "Break Me"....::::shudders:::: 0.5/5 just for being a Gazette song....


    Overall: 2/5 - Disappointing Gazette...I mean granted I'm still a huge fan and I will follow you to the end of time...it's sad that I actually see your end coming really soon....:( It just feels like they have no more in them that they can bring to the table. Sadly, I'd rather them disband then to put out anymore music like this...their lead singles are just "ok" as of late and the B sides are..."ok"....nothing awesome is coming from them anymore, it's all just one massive "meh" fest...I'd rather them not taint their discography anymore. You've made your staple in the VK game, time to move to bigger and better things. I would be interested to see the members join new bands....after all I don't want them to leave the music scene...just want to see the members go and find their creative roots again with other people....take a Gazette hiatus....come back in like 2-3 years and let your creative battery go again. HELL! bands do it all the time (fuckin' L' arc en Ciel does it like every 2 years...release shit and then go on an hiatus lol)  Hopefully, this is promoted just like Remember the Urge and this won't be on the album. I loved NIL and Stacked Rubbish so if they continue to tighten their hybrids of the albums, I sure Beautiful Deformity won't be bad...

  6. It kind of reminds me of Nausea and Shudder in parts with female vocals in it but it has a totally different vibe to it...Like some dude at a bar being bad ass while smoking a cigarette....I dunno. lol. I like this song, I just don't like the female vocals in the chorus.

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