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Posts posted by jduv86

  1. I like the chorus for what it is as I'm always down for the super catchiness, but I don't think it fits well in this song. It seems to just come out of nowhere and I feel like the song overstays its welcome too. Maybe shave off a minute or so. I'm not down for trying to stuff everything into a song just to stuff it into the song...possibly cut the breakdown down or the solo section (or maybe solo over top of the final chorus and into the outro) or the song break that is at around 3:20. I appreciate the ambition and overall the song is good, but I don't think this'll be a song I repeat to often (though I said that about Strike in Fact and that didn't happen. lol We'll see). Still looking forward to the album.

  2. If that part was the chorus around 4:34, I hope it sounds better than that in the final production...just saying those highs were kind of annoying. However, I'm really excited that they are back. I was really heartbroken that shit started going down hill after they released their best song to date "Paranoid Personality"....first the band member leaving and then Akane's health...Welcome back D.I.D. Let's get this party started again!

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