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Posts posted by jduv86

  1. I loved Beautiful Deformity for having more solid songs that almost made it to remarkable status (To Dazzling Darkness, Last Heaven, Inside Beast) unlike Toxic and Division which ranged from decent to a mess. I'm always excited to hear new Gazette music though so when I woke up this morning and read this thread, I almost jizzed all over myself lol Can't wait! Maybe they'll release 1 new single like they did with Fade, but honestly we're only 5 months out from it so it's not really a long wait. They would have to release  a single like May or June to do that so we'll see.

  2. I feel kind of neutral about this. They've released some great material when they started and then when the members left, they had a whole period of finding themselves that let out some mediocre to bad music from them. Then, they released Rose and it was uphill from there. Their recent album was great and then all of a sudden...this? I guess its better to go out on a high note and be remembered for that. Still pretty shocking news.


    I'm also glad they chose to make a PV and single for Gypsy. I love that song.  

  3. ^ I agree. Especially since looking on here, it seems a lot of us (including myself) don't have the funds to actually buy most of the stuff that Japanese bands make. See it as another way to support the band if you can't actually buy their products. Why would you be supportive of a band that has no management and has to do everything independently now, but not support them asking for help from their LOYAL fans to keep them afloat or at least lighten the burden so they can continue to make quality music for YOU to enjoy? I don't support the whole "they should just do it for the love of music." and not be realistic about the expenses they have to take care of which their label use to do for them. 


    DIAWOLF "Rebellion" - decent song, but I don't think I'd put it on replay or anything. Looking forward to more.

    A9 "Phoenix" - oooohhh, you sly devils! It was great! 

  4. Singles are the best here for me as well BUT I will say that I enjoyed the direction of this whole album so far compared to their previous works. There is a really great flow to the album so far. I give them kudos for the order of the songs.

  5. 1. Gottmord

    I've always liked Nocturnal Bloodlust's se tracks, but honestly this was kind of a disappointment for me. Nothing really interesting just a build up to... (2/5 by the way)


    2. Punch me if you can!

    F*CK YES!! Compared to Pandemic in the first album, I'd say this is takes it as the better opener. The problem comes with this songs lyrical content (look at the lyric video they put on their youtube)...I'll just ignore it and pretend that he's just saying made up gibberish. Lyrics aside, my neck hurts from the head banging! Perfect composition! 4.5/5 (damn lyrics ruined me!)



    I really didn't want to like this song. The chorus rubbed me the wrong way the first couple of times I played this. But it grew on me a lot! While remaining so brutal, this song also shows off everyone's skills really well...Natsu exceptionally...MY GOD! THOSE DRUMS! 4/5 



    Girugamesh opening? While really catchy, I kind of got bored with it. Is it needed for every song to have a solo in it (I'm looking at you Ryohei of Megamasso)? But I'm glad we hear some cool bass love. 3/5 


    5. Dead End

    Kind of repetitive...eh...maybe shave off a minutes...hmmm... maybe they better keep the solos in. 2/5 


    6. My seraphy

    At least I get a break from head banging...another se I'm not too fond of, but it's a decent cool down. Very relaxing....before... (3/5)



    I still believe this song is too long, BUT it has severely grown on me. This would rival top Sphere if it was just a bit shorter, but they are tied for me. This is definitely the defining song on the album. It has everything in it without feel disjointed. Beautiful work! 5/5 



    Hmmm....this is very interesting to listen too. At first I glossed over it, but after listening to it a few times, this is some really cool shit! Not their most technical song, BUT definitely one of their most creative and it's done well! I don't even mind the rapping part. It tied in really well! 5/5


    9.Libra-Another Scene

    If their only going to do one ballad on their albums, I'd rather them do songs that are original versions like Aster. Speaking of which, Aster IMO is a better ballad. This isn't bad. Hiro sings beautifully, but because it's just an alternate version to an already stellar song, I wasn't really that impressed with it. 3.5/5



    THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG on here! It's so catchy and fun while having some creative elements that make it stand apart! This has the cool operatic type screams like at the end of Sphere mixed with a haunting stalking type instrumental behind it and then the DJ scratches mix in really well into this song! I just think it's a great experimentation! 5/5


    11.The Beautifull Craze

    I love this song from the start! That crazy lead guitar on the chorus! It just makes me weak in the knees. The vocals are great and even as a B-side from a single, this is perfect for this album. I find myself singing along to this often and this is probably my favorite solo on the album! 5/5


    12.Strike in Fact

    This has grown on me so much! Kind of reminds me of a brutal anime song. This is a track I would probably throw in to fill time. It's decent, but nothing too special for me. I will say that it conatins my favorite break down in the album though! 4/5



    There's the ballad I was actually looking for! This is actually a more mainstream song for them. I didn't expect this. This could be the ending of some anime. lol. It's on par with Aster and is a beautiful closer. I feel like the album is definitely complete. The ending with the group vocals and screaming seems like the band is saying "farewell, we'll see you next time" and waving bye. Pretty good. 4/5


    Overall: 4/5 

    This album had a lot more experimentation then Grimoire, but at the same time, I felt this had a better flow to it. Each song seemed to fit well together and the album sounded more complete. That being said, I feel like the songs weren't as memorable and catchy as Grimoire. Maybe if they had the same amount of songs as that album, it would have been? Who knows, but this is still very enjoyable. You can tell each member has some serious skill. Other than some questionable lyrical content, this was a joy to listen to. Worth buying, but I fear that it doesn't have the replay value as their prior album.


    Highlights:  Punch Me If You Can, Genesis, I V III, The Beautiful Craze, Desperate, Resurrection

    Mid highlight: Strike in the Fact, Linaria 

    Low lights: Libra, Tyrant, Dead End, [sE] tracks 

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