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Posts posted by freesia

  1. Hm, I might be the one of the first serious posts in this thread?
    Actually, I discovered a site which holds various genres of writing contests and I joined with two of my short stories.


    Short story 1: Graffiti (Thriller/Mystery)
    Summary: A boy writes on a toilet stall door and begins exchanging messages through those writings with a mysterious person.
    Short story 2: Children's Stories (Horror/Sad/Supernatural)
    Summary: He and his sister had always felt each other's feelings ever since they could remember. What he was feeling at that moment his sister would feel it too, vice versa. 


    I will be more than happy if you like and vote for them! :D

  2. Damn, just discovered their MTV unplugged stuff on video. The concert sure needs a proper release because these versons sounds fantastic despite Freddy Lim's very limited vocals. But he sings with passion and heart and that's all that's is needed.



    Lol, I was playing this live some time back and my mom heard and watched with me when she heard this acoustic folk live. She's now a big fan of their folk alter-ego. xD

  3. Yes it is. You can tell because the band's been around for years but hasn't done much of value. Just like THE EIGHT and Black:List.

    Yeah, I remember hearing their music and they were far from √eight or Black:list's quality. I wonder what's up with him.

  4. I'm sorry if this question is stupid but I am a beginner in acoustic guitar and I tried to google and figure this out for hours.

    I found these guitar chords for Wherever You Are:


    This seems to be made few years ago but I couldn't find any vids playing the chords from that.


    Also, I was searching for chords of this acoustic arrangement from Jinsei X Kimi live DVD.

    I tried to play the chords available on the internet to this acoustic arrangement but they didn't seem to match or maybe I am too n00by on this...


    So the question is, can somebody enlighten me on whether these chords are for the acoustic arrangement in the vid? If not, can you please provide a video or audio of someone playing the chords or provide the accurate chords for the acoustic arrangement from the live DVD? >.<


    Onegaishimasu. m(_ _)m

  5. Poltergeist


    This movie was more like a comedy to me. Not scary at all but funny at times. I know this was based on the old Poltergeist but in this new one, the ghost world just looked like an Insidious rip off.

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