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Everything posted by fitear1590

  1. Overall, I like these samples better than UN-DEADHOUSE. But everyone seems to eat that shit up, right? I think Souiumono have always had a pleasant "robustness" to their heavy songs and SACCI is an amazing clean vocalist with some very signature melodies. Those two things alone should set them apart from your average indies VK gonna-disband-in-three-months trendy stuff that still manages to garner hype, so I'm still wondering why Souiumono aren't more popular, even if their earlier stuff was more original? It's not like they had a lot of adoring fans (at least, overseas ones) then, either.
  2. fitear1590

    Damn, I wish they were all wearing hats Here for Hat-zaki tho.
  3. Don't jinx it! I'm naively believing this will just be a hiatus! Be sure to check out the Tokyo under note single too
  4. fitear1590

    I don't understand... I can see that Kobayashi is there but I don't "hear" him at all. Even when it appeared that only he was singing, the filter on his voice made him hardly recognizable. Since I'm pretty much only here for him, I have to say I'm a bit disappointed so far. It just got uploaded in the video section.
  5. My StrangerSaid. CDs are on the way. Excited!

  6. fitear1590

    art-kei RIP [2]
  7. fitear1590

    Super cheap for a Japanese live DVD and album!
  8. Omg, they're playing with Ladybeard!
  9. Artist: My Fairytale Single: 鳥籠トロイメライ (torikago träumerei) 1. 鳥籠トロイメライ 2. トリックアート・ゴシック・マンション (trickart gothic mansion) 3. 白昼夢とアンソロジー(hakuchuumu to anthology) Rating: | Rejoice! Fresh new VK talent! Oh wait, they're going on hiatus... My Fairytale is a newcomer to the VK scene, having formed in mid-2014. I first caught wind of them as I was crafting my 2014 EOTY list. To quote my colleague @Jigsaw9, their “IKEA kei” look lured me in and I decided to give their previews a listen on YouTube—let’s just say their Tokyo under note maxi-single was a last-minute entry to the “honorable mention” section of my list. Flash forward to summer 2015 and now, we have the band’s next single 鳥籠トロイメライ (torikago träumerei). This makes me happy not only because we get to hear more from them, but because they are the latest in the trend of VK bands using random German loan words—yasss, I mean, jasss! Even from the song titles, you can sense the sort of fanciful world My Fairytale is trying to conjure, so let’s travel down the rabbit hole! Light as a feather, the title track begins with twinkling piano, compounded shortly after with an eruption of ethereal, twangy guitarwork and vibrant basslines. The bass is surprisingly prominent, considering the fact that their bassist left earlier this year due to the ever-original “musical differences.” Other highlights include a pleasant guitar solo and some bars featuring elegant waltz-y time signatures. Kudos to drummer Neo for this compositional beauty; he seems to do a lot of the heavy lifting in the band’s songwriting! Music aside, one of the best parts of the track (and the band, let’s be real) is vocalist Kate. I’ve probably overstated my preference on MH for clear, higher-pitched male vocals, but let it be known that Kate has quickly become a new favorite! In fact, with his voice and the soft, evocative music, I’d even argue that 'torikago träumerei" is an exemplary piece of modern “white kei.” The Zephyr fan inside me approves! Now, I just need a washed out, misty PV on a bright white backdrop and we’ll be all set. The delicate mood is shaken up with track two. “トリックアート・ゴシック・マンション (trickart gothic mansion)” features a steady electronic element throughout, calling to mind Moran’s heavy beat-driven tracks like “今夜、月の無い海岸で (tonight, at the seaside without the moon)”. My Fairytale’s take is a bit more mischievous sounding though, channeling hints of that LIPHLICH-esque cabaret atmosphere and chugging along with a groovy momentum that emanates throughout the track. Though there’s nothing to dislike here, the track is a bit one-note, not treading too much unpredictable territory. However, “trickart gothic mansion” does serve as an effective transition into the last track, which continues the dark, cheeky feel and infuses it with a zippy “Latin” vibe. Lively acoustic guitar graces us from the very beginning of the single’s closer, “白昼夢とアンソロジー(hakuchuumu to anthology),” making for a “shuffly” quality. One of my favorite parts of this song is the dramatic bridge before each chorus, featuring creepy melodies and epic drumming. The acoustic guitar solo and the following interlude are simple, but gorgeous and bring back the band’s signature piano. And there you have it! Naturally, I gravitate mainly towards the title track, but I'm also starting to come around to tracks two and three. What becomes crystal clear with this single is that the band can dabble in any number of genres and still deliver beautiful music. After Tokyo under note, I thought their dark piano-driven sound would be their signature style. However, after listening to previews of their debut live-limited single and hearing torikago träumerei, My Fairytale appear intent on making the stylistic rounds--the way they are performing so far, I say, more power to them! I would say that it has me excited for whatever they do next, but @Trombe just broke the news that both guitarists are also departing and the band will go on hiatus. While this is pretty devastating, there might be a glimmer of hope, because drummer Neo (ostensibly, the lead composer) is still with the group. Will he and Kate be able to revive My Fairytale with new members? All I can say is I hope so. It would be a shame for yet another VK band with so much potential to dissolve before they even have a chance to soar. What did you think of the single? Support the band! Purchase @ CDJapan Purchase @ HMV Purchase @ YesAsia
  10. fitear1590

    Jeezus, that's quite an active discography section considering they just started in December! (I realize that some(/most?) are probably singles, but still!)
  11. I made an ungodly huge order there yesterday, haha. For those interested, zoisite DOES overseas shipping! Here are the specific amano yuki-related items they added: DIMMDIVISION. 2nd single「揺れる/梟」(2nd press) 2nd mini album『RECALL』 StrangerSaid. 1st single「ss_2nd mortal.」(2nd press) 2nd single「a sleep.」 3rd single 「THE PAST.」 天野攸紀 (amano yuki) 2nd single「memento」 3rd single 「真昼の月」
  12. After Liquid, and their album recommended by @TheStoic, I'm really excited for this
  13. fitear1590

    I wonder if kuro UNiTE just means mostly heavy Mio songs.
  14. Dammit, the majority of the new VK stuff I want to get into lately is live-limited.
  15. Is Hola really buggy, because I swear I can never get Japanese YouTube videos to work with it... What's the secret?
  16. fitear1590

    Loved "For You," so, adding this to my looking-forward-to list, thanks Trombe!
  17. fitear1590

    After @chemicalpictures' recent status, I thought it would make sense to have a topic about this: Is there any way to improve the search function? I think there are many of us who have encountered problems when searching for kanji/kana. For all intents and purposes, it doesn't work, at least not very well. I've been lucky in the past putting quotation marks (") around what I'm searching for and that somewhat helps, but not always. It's pretty unpredictable. Have you encountered any other issues, besides those with kanji/kana? If we see what concrete problems there are with searching, maybe the admins could let us know which ones could be dealt with/fixed within the confines of the forum software.
  18. Thoughts on UNiTE's 4th album UNiVERSE?

    1. Mihenno


      I find myself dancing in my room to timeSICKness

    2. Spectralion


      Still not as good as their second album, I think...

    3. fitear1590


      I agree so far, Spectralion. Hopefully, it will continue to grow on me. What about compared to the 3rd album? UNiVERSE is better I think.

  19. The visuals seem pretty interesting, but I'm not particularly interested in Diement guy. PIECE's Nanami was high-pitched and whiny, but I kinda miss him.
  20. fitear1590

    I'm just going off of my German knowledge, but I believe this user meant "current" with the term "actual" (aktuell). That should help to clear up the original post's questions.
  21. fitear1590

    Wow, impressed that UNiTE is on there (but not in the US...). All the other bands seem significantly bigger than them!
  22. Haven't seen you around in a while. Welcome back!

    1. anieresus


      Thank you! I was M.I.A. due to school/started to not pay attention to the vk scene. But i'm back :D

  23. fitear1590

    @@Peace Heavy mk II Agreed on Femme Fatale. I actually like the whole single, even the title track (to me, the chorus is lovely). And "Medeia" reminds me of an old HIZAKI/HIZAKI grace project track, in a good way! Impressed with how different "Imperial Concerto" sounds from the original, so I'm looking forward to the full release. I do have to say though, that Shounenki track was my least favorite from the single, just because every third or fourth new VK band has a song with the simple two-note guitar riff. I do like their vocalist a lot though! Yay, I'm glad you approve Yeah, I knew I wanted to cover Kidori Kidori, but it took me a few listens to really figure which song was the highlight for me! I'm also really happy you dug the Bilinda Butchers x Smany track; I wouldn't have expected you to enjoy that one necessarily! As far as your list, Xaa Xaa was a great surprise. I heard their first (?) mini but didn't realize they had ballads like this under their sleeves. Synthese also stood out to me and seems like something I should probably look into. @@CAT5 You're spot-on about Enon. It seems like he's finally cracked the code with indigo la End and Gesu no kiwami otome lately. "夏夜のマジック" was my favorite from this single! I never keep up with CORNELIUS' current stuff, but I'm a longtime Flipper's Guitar fanboy, so I gotta check him out whenever his releases pop up on these lists. This collab sounds absolutely gorgeous. @@beni Polly is nice. I'll have to check them out! Also, what are the odds that we would both have songs called "night ____ing" in the same month 0_o! RYKEY was also pretty cool. I'm fairly picky about Asian hip hop as well!
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