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Posts posted by fitear1590

  1. Chanty, all the way. Their singles have been really enjoyable for me and their debut album seems to have maintained the quality. I'm still gathering my impressions, but it has a decent amount of variety.

    I checked out Pentagon's album, because there was a lot of hype leading up to it, but I deleted it from my HD after 2 listens. Their new single is a bit more memorable, but they still have some cheap production quirks and generic tendencies to overcome before I see myself getting any more invested in them.

    In the end, Chanty's "indie rock" style of VK is much more novel and interesting to me. Perhaps pitting them against Yeti might have been a closer battle.

    Chanty kinda lost me with that cringeworthy おとなりさん concept. Pentagon.

    Are you referring to the cover art or the PV? Explain, gurrl.

  2. I'm somewhere in between "enjoy from time to time" and "avoid like the plague." I simply do not enjoy, at least what I perceive to be, "standard" k-pop: electro/beat-heavy, dancey pop with faux hip-hop "swag." This style will never be for me. (I realize a lot of these examples are getting outdated, but that's how out of touch with k-pop I am, haha.)

    I'm extremely picky, but there are a handful of k-pop songs I do enjoy:
    2ne1 - It Hurts

    After school BLUE - Wonder Boy [guilty pleasure status! :D]

    BIGBANG - Monster

    GD&TOP - Don't Go Home
    SHINee - Sherlock

    B.A.P. - Coffee Shop

    With the exception of maybe "Sherlock" (which I somehow enjoy for the Michael Jackson-esque style), the songs listed above are pretty far from the "standard" k-pop style I described above, so I guess that has to do with why I enjoy them? Of the few full single/album k-pop releases I've checked out though, I don't think I've ever enjoyed the whole thing, making me think the songs I enjoy are mostly flukes. However, I think this has less to do with k-pop than with mainstream pop music in general.

  3. Cat, I'm glad to see you covered Kiryu and Gesu no Kiwami Otome. Those songs were almost on my list as well.

    Beni, the MBHI track is awesome, which is saying something, because Tenten's vox usually piss me off for some reason, lol. Wasn't expecting them to sound anything like this.

    ender, so glad you posted Spitz! I forget that they're still around and they proved that they still kick ass. Kusano's vox make me melt :')

    Many of my favorites are also listed on this months release list, but the biggest surprises for me were:


    fitear1590 - I had never heard Xenon until today - and that entire single was amazing (A and B sides).  The DIV characterization was right on, and I rushed into sampling their other offerings throughout the day and really wondered why I never gave them a shot!  They are able to meld melody and heavy very well, and their guitarist(s) can solo much better than DIV ever has.


    Also - I adore the Sokoninaru!  As a huge fan of bands like HaKU, Androp, and Ling Toshite Sigure, they are in the same vein and are great!


    Thanks for this - the format and content are both spot on.

    Yay, so glad you got to hear something new from the list, TheStoic! XENON was a cool surprise, indeed! Now that you've checked out some of their older material, any recommendations?
    Thanks for your comment :D

  4. English is my mother tongue, but I'm also fluent in German after studying (also abroad) in college. I even teach beginner-level German right now!

    I took Spanish for five semesters in high school and, despite not being able to speak it very well anymore, I have retained a surprising amount of vocabulary over the years! I also took three semesters of Japanese in college, but my speaking skills have diminished quite a bit since then. I still know my kana (I don't think I'll ever forget this) and a fair amount of the kanji I learned.

  5. Nice topic, Cat!

    I remember when you introduced Lianne La Havas a few years back. I checked her out and enjoyed her guitar stuff, but it didn't really stick with me. This new song, however... Hot damn. GORGEOUS! It's got such a great vibe to it. Musically, it kind of reminds me of something Kimbra might do, with that spacey funk feel. Lianne's vocals are a lot different though (much richer! Sorry, Kimbra bb!) You got me looking forward to her new album, bruh!

    Speaking of Kimbra, I see you there Bilal. "Shrieking like an R&B Thom Yorke" is not that far off, hehe.

    Actually, all three of these are really cool! Thanks for sharing!
    Here's a few that I've been into lately.

    Moodoïd is a French psychedelic band, led by guitarist/vocalist Pablo Padovani. If anyone is familiar with Melody's Echo Chamber, Pablo apparently plays guitar for that project as well. Their album Le monde möö was on my 2014 AOTY list. They've only released that, their 2013 self-titled EP, and a new single this year, so if you haven't been following them, you can easily catch up. Their compositions are really interesting and their imagery/videos are very... creative? If you're ready to get weird, give Moodoïd a try!



    Tele Novella is a new discovery for me, but their style probably isn't a surprise for those that know my music taste--I love me some 60s-inspired indie pop. This band, from the Austin indie scene, keeps it interesting with a sllightly mysterious/psychedelic tinge. To complete the package, charismatic guitarist/vocalist Natalie Ribbons, whose ex-band

  6. Watched the movie Horns, the one with Daniel Radcliffe aka Harry Potter haha

    i didn't choose to watch it


    did not like that movie one bit. i say poorly written, acting sucks. laughable in some parts though

    you guys should watch it if you never heard Daniel's english accent. hilarious!

    does not suit him I'll tell you that

    I know it's tough to pull off a different accent and sound natural, but lawd, did Radcliffe even try? I saw it months ago, but I recall him saying "anything" the super British way ("eh-NA-thing") throughout the movie, despite his "American" accent. (You can hear him say it in the trailer two times.) I don't know why they didn't at least attempt to fix the accent in post-production. Such a goofy-ass movie.

  7. I wasn't aware of any instances of blackface in VK. I know it's happened in k-pop though.
    Who besides "tzk" is guilty of this?

    Also, I still wanna know what "inhumane acts" Kei of Rubik did. Certainly, there's some potentially #problematic lusciousness there.

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