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Status Updates posted by filth_y

  1. I somehow always mix ヴァージュ and ラヴェーゼ.. Other recommendations for similiar currently active bands? La'veil MizeriA? Im really bad at these old school sounding bands and want to get into them ^_^/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. filth_y


      Thanks! I think Crucifixion might be worth checking but when i think of BugScream i think of more Pop-orientated? I felt the bands i wrote are like the 90s stuff that Grieva was good at "bringing back"? I have a lack of knowledge for this 90s/early 00's type of sound, so might be totally wrong.. I was also thinking of Insanity Injection.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Ehhh...Insanity Injection never really struck me as a revival of anything since their style is kind of unique. All of the members are old dudes at this point, though! 



      I mentioned BugScream because they kind of reminded me of La'Mule a bit. That being said, I haven't really listened to them a lot.



    4. filth_y


      Didnt know them so googled them and found this, which was totally different (is it even the same band you posted, lol?)


  2. That last respect i still had for ムック is finally lost. Take the entire soul out of an album and make classics like 絶望 or 僕が本当.. unlistenable trash. Disgusting.

    1. herpes


      they literally started singing about having girlfriends and skateboarding in 2006 then went edm in 2013 and you still had respect? ok sis

    2. saishuu


      I have been bopping to the new 君に幸あれ all day, dont give a fuck about respect or whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  3. Is this yazzmad related...? (AKG cover)



    1. chemicalpictures


      I don't think so, but his voice pitch is really similar to Naoki's indeed

    2. xriko


      probably not.

      1990年10月20日生まれ 北海道利尻島出身。音楽家、小説家、シナリオライターとして活動。既存の概念に捕われない、自由な作品作りを得意とする。2011年より動画サイトへ投稿を開始。
      自身が執筆した小説「カゲロウデイズ」シリーズの刊行や別視点からの物語を描いた、同作のコミックス版を連載、シリーズの関連書籍 累計850万部、音楽パッケージの累計は70万枚を突破。


  4. Paranoid≠circuS, LMAO. Worst band i've listened recently. Their Nightmare cover of "Can you do it?" is so obvious. Lucky for them noone cares musical skill or riff stealing in vk. Incredible horrible singing, why not.

    1. Mamo


      Haven't heard of them but their apparent crappiness intrigues me. lol

  5. Amazing look on the site, great job staff!

    1. Zeus


      thank you! i'm pretty sure this was all @nostalgia though so 2x props for him!

  6. Was there a site update? The mh page numbers or buttons like "Sort by" are so brigth now, nearly cant see them. Just me? 

    1. Seimeisen


      Fixed the page/sort buttons

  7. Just read/realized/suprised DEZERT drummer is ex-XodiacK. Man how i loved XodiacK, ripping their first songs from myspace and posting/introducing them here while they were an unnamed/"secret" band. Good times.

    1. xriko


      Their debut... With video live from Route 14. were they where were still  wearingthere dark cloak.

      With the 2 free release on the passed away http://www.hearjapan.com...

      With they DaN PV never released...


      I loved them a lot. But left at BGFNS..

  8. クランキー from LAW's album sounds like early 00's Volark/WERKMARE/∀NTI FEMINISM/PIASS song to me. Amazing!

  9. Anyone going to NIL UNDER RAIN (ex-RevleZ/Xepher) live?

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