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Posts posted by ficsci

  1. ^ this site know what it's talking about


    I don't even know if that's cool or offensive XD

    Don’t listen to DELUHI alone. We suggest…


    10 oz. Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey

    Serve neat. Stir quickly.

    I might actually listen to DELUHI more just because of this

    Don’t listen to Moran alone. We suggest…


    1 oz. Whiskey

    Serve neat. Stir quickly.


    *puts on monocle & top hat*

  2. ... I suck at English.


    Native speakers suck at English too. As a matter of fact, you speak English as a second language better than a lot of people I know who speak it as their only language!

    I notice that non-native speakers are sometimes better at spelling than native speakers XD

  3. On 1 hand, Kamijo's voice got better in Versailles, IMO. But on the other hand, every single Versailles song started sounding the same to me. So I voted for Lareine because I find them more entertaining overall.

    I picked Lareine because they were ~*~fabulous~*~

    yes, that, precisely XD

  4. @Wonrei thanks for accidentally reminding me that I need to check out Dragon Ash :lol:

    I think I don't have a non-VK choice for this one (for J-rock that is. For non-Jrock, I might say Mew, although I really can't relate to A Triumph for Man, but again that's not Jrock so nevermind I said anything XD). If I say NUMBER GIRL, then I'll be cheating because they've broken up (and I've never really been madly in love with them or anything). If I say ART-SCHOOL, I'd be lying because I can't stand their stuff since 14SOULS, so they've finally "failed" me, although they probably could have done that earlier since they kept recycling materials. Plastic Tree is also pretty close, but I still can't stand some stuff from Chandelier era, and they tend to disappoint me with every new A-side, even though I usually grow to like the album versions of those A-sides... but I'm not too fond of "the acoustic track" of each album. Also I think Pura has sounded radically like several different bands after all these time, that I'm not sure if I can consider them as "1 band". Well of course I still like them, they sound like a completely different band XD. Ironically this also explains why some hardcore fans of 1 era of Pura has come to hate them quite intensely :lol:

    In fact, there's only 1 band I've encountered in my entire life that has not failed me even once so far (not even with their earliest releases), and it happens to be a VK band. That would be Moran, which I started listening to in mid-2009. I really think it's fate :wub: It's as if they were made just for me (ok I know they're not :lol:). But the techniques and styles they incorporate into their work and even just their attitude & ideas of what makes an "interesting music" or "interesting creative work", these are related to things that I had been finding interesting for a long time, but never found to be embodied in 1 piece of work, other than in this band. Even their songs that I didn't like at first, they have not only grown on me, but I've even come to realized what's brilliant about them (e.g. 痕跡とキャンバス, 人間の人間による人間の為の恋路, L'oiseau Bleu). And for all the songs, no matter how many times I've listened to them (A SHIT TON), from time to time I can discover something new about those songs that I never noticed before or had forgotten about, and I think that is only possible because their songs are so densely written & arranged, (which explains why they tend to do better when they release very few songs at a time in singles).

    Favorite from original line-up (with Zill & Velo as main composers):

    君のいた五線譜 single (カクタス亜科 / LOSER'S THEATER / 君のいた五線譜)

    Favorite songs after those two are gone (with SIZNA & Soan as main composers):

    トリコロール single (遥かの青 / 紅差し / White Out)

    As for other VK bands, there are actually several honorable mentions, that is, they have a pretty substantial number of releases and I still can enjoy listening to their entire discography without skipping a song: 9Goats Black Out, deadman, cocklobin, amber gris. But I can't say that I would just buy every single one of their CD, believing 99.9% that I would be happy with it.

  5. Here in Italy is FULL of this kind of people. These girls even dress Ullzang now and changed their universities studies from Japanese to Korean.

    Ok. now that's the peak of stupidity, if K-pop truly is the only reason they do that

    Edit: Btw I want to see if K-pop will eventually have indie idol-groups that get well know/fan base. I wonder if that's possible with their culture and whether those groups would try to get creative and do something slightly different.

  6. omg Panda, I should have joined this party earlier

    I'm interested in both of Minerva's singles. Do you still have them?

    Domestic Child/満月-moon light-


    To be frank, I have no idea how much these cost you/how difficult they were to get, and I don't want to offend you with an inconsiderate price offer. So would you please propose a price? And how much would they cost to ship to postal code 60615?

    Thanks! Please PM me ^^

  7. Not specifically something that happens only today, but I post Moran's PVs online, and lately there have been more people commenting on their pages, which is totally ok, hey more publicity on their work is good for any artist/creative person. But as we all know, often greater popularity invites greater number of annoying people.

    Yes, I know A LOT of people say "RIP (insert musician's name)", and some people are pretty sincere about condolences, I'm not pissed off about that, and I can "deal" with how things work in real life. But I do think a lot about what "RIP" means, and get pissed off when people think they can just throw it around, ESPECIALLY when people who don't even like the people who passed away are saying shit to get attention for themselves. It's like those posts that say "I'm only 12 years old, but I think the current music is shit, instead I like this band from the 80s, (now give me a lot of tumbs up on YouTube)". No kid, you don't give a shit about this band or where contemporary music is going towards, you're just an attention whore. And it's just really low when people are trying to get the same reaction but doing it by mentioning a musician's death and how it "relates" to them. REALLY LOW.

    Also, if people have the time to be posting "RIP (insert musician's name)" 23749238 times online, they should have the time to actually give a shit about that musician's work. Even if they don't really give that much shit, they can at least have time to click on a YouTube link to listen to a song that the musician wrote. Damnit people, I'm pretty sure the dead guy would appreciate it more if you just listen to his work instead of say "RIP (name)" 100 more times.

    (This is something else, but to be honest, I don't want to say "Rest in Peace" to anyone who died who had been important to me in one way or another (yes, even if he's just some musician I really liked and had never met before who suddenly died when I was just beginning to really appreciate his work). Ok, people die, their bodies disappear, you can't communicate to them or their souls or whatever you call it, maybe they were too weak to continue living in this world for whatever reason. But doesn't the fact that they can no longer do anything new makes you want to keep whatever they left behind around and close to your heart? I don't want to let those things just "rest in peace", I want to see/listen to them all the time, as if the person who made them never died.)

    I dunno why this is pissing me off so much lately. I mean, yes, I just watched a documentary on Francesca Woodman and her family, who are also all artists, and she also died young (it's crappy how people just assumed her life was dark and depressing and how it "reflected in her work", because it wasn't and it didn't, she just got at a crap point in her life because she wasn't getting any job or recognition while she was so ambitious, and unfortunately decided to jump off of a building one day when she couldn't deal with it). There are just a bunch of little stuff that would piss me off for the entire day recently, like double standard on women, how Asian women get approached by creeps, how the working class is exploited, etc etc. I have to face this every day and I'd rather not get super pissed every fucking time they cross my mind.

  8. Well I think I'm finally really getting into my drums-obsession phase of my Moran obsession (but it's cyclical, so I'm pretty sure I'll get back to the guitar-obsession phase and every phase would just repeat).

    Oh Soan, how did you get SO DAMN GOOD :wub: I mean even in a slow song like "Snowing", the drums actually sounds like a lead instrument omgomgomg *drools*

  9. I think this album sounds like a non-stop house & trance-rock party. I find it overwhelming, but in a good, awed way... because it sounds so damn happy & catchy, all racing in fast tempo, and there's always so many things happening at the same time that my brain just can't process all of them unless I listen to them many, many more times, one by one. On the other hand, I suspect that another part of my overwhelmed feeling could be just unique to me, because I have a history of love/hate relationship with this band.

    I have to say that I really love how they remade the songs that were already released in the singles. They sound so different (and so fitting with the sound of the album), and in my opinion, more enjoyable than the versions in the singles. I almost didn't recognize some of them. I don't care if for some they just added additional electronic bleeps or simply increased the tempo to manipulate your brain into thinking the songs are more fun or whatever, because they ARE funner.

    Ok, now let me tell you what I think makes this album weird. It's a thing that applies to many of AYABIE's recent songs/composition style. They have really simple, catchy melodies (that if I listen to ONLY the melody, it would piss the shit out of me), but of course the rest of the parts make the songs really "rock out", especially when some of the songs go into key modulations/tonicizations, it sounds like the song just keeps "climbing" endlessly (e.g. "Ryuusei", so I see why they put it last, I still can't decide if it sounds more like a climax or a summary of what happened in the entire album...) . What I find interesting with AYABIE is they use the types of key modulations that are actually really common with pop songs, but they do it SO FAST and sometimes SO MUCH in just one song that it sounds really cool and weird. And I think, because all the songs in the album are fast-paced, coming in one after another, all full of electronic sparkles, and the melodies are pretty much in the same range, the whole album almost sounds like 1 never-ending catchy song with a shit ton of key modulations, or if not, variations of what sound to be the same song (but are actually different songs), that happen really fast one after another.

    I still hadn't finished listening to this album when I was writing this review, and I was surprised I didn't realize I was already on track 9 (oh, now it's connected straight to track 10 with an insanely cool intro). But this made me feel like I was on a triple rainbow lollipop crack right now, and I'm afraid that when this album ends, I'm going to crash and get depressed because it's over and silent. Oh yea, I'm NOT on drugs, unless you count being tired as one.

    Overall, I think this is an awesome album, but I DO NOT WANT to listen to the entire thing from beginning to end again anytime soon. But at the same time, I kind of doubt that it would sound as cool if you DON'T listen to the entire album. Regardless, the fact that it made me freak out kind of makes me want to give it more kudos.

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