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Posts posted by ficsci

  1. 白鳥優一(shiratori yuuichi) (session before kiss my way)

    Damnit! I knew that was him!!! (Even though he repeatedly denied it in his blogs :( that little...)

    it is weird that 平一洋(taira kazuhiro) has used 4 different stage names together

    maybe he's just one of those people who need to constantly reinvent himself :)

    and how about TRICKMASTER? That seems like the most accurate alias he has adopted so far :lol:

    (also just my own opinion/observation, but he seems like an emotional roller coaster)

  2. So I actually asked Yu-Chi (Jiminy's bass) about Shia being absent online and how I was worried because it would be his birthday soon, and he epicly dodged my first question and just said something like "please message him happy birthday!" So I think Shia is fine, and I really have the feeling that Jiminy's hiatus will end soon and they're just so hush-hush about it :lol:

  3. ^ I personally don't dig it, but mixing the salty with sweet and the hot with cold isn't something totally unheard of, some people just have the tongue for it. So I would say it's not that weird.

    I'm the quickest to start talking to people I've just met (like in a new school or something), but the slowest to make even a casual friend to eat during lunch with. Is that weird?

  4. I know this is kind of a lol thread (if mods find it inappropriate here, I don't mind if you move it to another forum).

    I've realized lately that people in rock bands who are of under-average height tend to be either the drummer or the vocalist (with a HUGE voice btw). And when I say under average, I mean, for men it's approximately 165cm height or below (or sometimes, they just happen to be the shortest in the band). For women, I shall discuss it below.

    Not trying to encourage prejudice & bad stereotypes, but I think it's not uncommon in the world that we run into short people who are especially ambitious, because they want to prove to the world that they can be great even though they are of below average size. Some short men go into body building to be bigger. The former president of the Philippines was a very very short woman. Er, anyways, I think being the member who makes the biggest noise in the band might also be another one of the positive ways in which shorter people prove themselves of what they are capable of :D

    Here is a list of small-ish musicians I can think of right on the spot

    Dir en Grey - Kyo (vo) .... duh

    La'cryma Christi - Levin (dr)

    Kagrra, - Izumi (dr)

    Moran - Soan (dr)

    Eat You Alive - Hiro (vo)

    NoGod - Danchou (vo)

    And I'm not sure if this is fair to say because women still tends to be a minority in rock bands (and most often they are vocalists), and naturally, they tend to be shorter than men. But perhaps we can also list some women who strike one as sharing the characteristic of being "the short member who makes the loudest noise"

    ex-cocklobin - Kiri (dr)

    Light Bringer - Fuki (vo)

    Let's add to the list ^^ (not just limited to jrock).

    Also, feel free to challenge my theory that the shortest people tend to be the vocalist or drummer, lol.

  5. I was watching Moran's/ex-Dragonwapppppper's vivi in VijuLoveCafe and just realized how girly he is. (Yes yes, JUST realized). Can't help but wonder if he's gay or straight or bi or what. I'm yet to know a straight guy with a girly mannerism. Secretly hoping that he's straight, because if he's not, I'm going to cry because for some odd reason I find that kind of cute, girly guys really really hot...

    You see, I'm afraid that so far my "omg that girly guy is so hot" has been a very effective gaydar.

  6. Oh... D:

    Maybe Jiminy Cricket will be active again?

    I was hoping exactly that when I saw this topic o_o

    I wonder if that's why Shia hasn't posted on Twitter for a whole month (I dunno if there has been a new blog entry either, ameblo is on maintenance and I haven't checked there for several days.) It was quite worrying but I hope he's just busy working and not getting depressed again... because it was... July (.__.) Also his last blog entry made me worry, it was right before he was going to do a session live, he wrote stuff like "never know when I would just suddenly stop doing music" (well you know, because he's in an indie band). But if Jiminy Cricket is going to be active again, I guess these stuff would make sense?

  7. Oh yea the Swans, been trying to listen to them on and off. I see what's cool about them, but I guess it just hasn't clicked yet. But I do like a few stuff by Jarboe (their ex-keyboardist), she also made eerie/pretty soundtracks to some horror video games by Tale of Tales (The Path, Fatale).

    I think this is as radio friendly as she gets (still scary as fuck)


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