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Posts posted by ficsci

  1. Hi guys, I hope this is not a wrong place to post this question.

    I know how to rip videos from YouTube and other commonly used streaming sites. But today I've been spending the entire day trying to save an episode of VijuLoveCafe from here


    I tried a lot of programs and none work. Live capture of my screen strangely enough does not record audio. I tried playing the entire video and search for the cache in temp files folder, but it's not there. I used Firefox and looked at page info to see all the files embedded, but only the player is embedded, not the video file itself. I'm all out of ideas.

    If you know a program/method that can solve this problem, please let me know, it would make my life so much easier. Thank you!

  2. On the other hand, there are SOME foreign visual kei fans that consider it a lifestyle. Thus, they try to emulate the fashion in their everyday lives.

    Thank you for writing this down eloquently, but I think this is exactly the point where a few people (although perhaps not all) went to crazy town.

  3. Why it's everyone's favorite band Seremedy!

    Oh lol them, ok

    Well I don't mind if they're getting roasted for being weaboo (if they get roasted for being girly, now that's a different topic). And you can't compare that part to a Japanese band because Japanese can't be weaboo themselves (unless they can?)

  4. Nyasagi hit the nail on the head.

    What I find more hilarious is how a band from Japan can be visual and popular but a band from Sweden can try to do the same thing and get roasted for it until Hell freezes over. Now that is something I just don't get.

    Roasted? Well shit, what band is this?

  5. Yellowca---

    whoops not VK, but their Asian violin player would do mid-air backflips during the song and shit

    I think the amount of violin in VK is a bit more than that in other rock music.

    Allow me to display one of its most glorious moments


  6. I think all rock genres are still alive, they look like they're dead because they went underground or they take on a new form. You think 80s hair metal is dead? Well now you can call it "Visual Kei". And just when you thought Visual Kei is dead, there's Neo-Visual Kei. Think about it, first there was punk, and then there was hardcore punk, and then there was grunge, post-hardcore, etc. Guess what, they're all still "punk" (or half-punk, or whatever), just the modern-day form.

    I think it's hard to tell from your perspective, since you are following a non-mainstream music scene, and you know where to find the communities connected to it. Who knows, other people might already think it's dead. But I'm pretty sure that anywhere, any time (in the next few decades at least), there will always be some dude who likes to dress up like a chick who looks like a dude, and play a guitar solo in every damn song or sing in a bizarrely out-of-tune gothic vibrato while looking like that.

  7. (I dunno if there has been a thread about this. If there was, sorry that I couldn't find it, and please merge this with the older thread.)

    I always find it kind of weird when people outside Japan are forming Visual bands. I mean, what I find weird is not the fact that they look or sound like a Visual band (I think "VK", or just the whole tradition of dressing up outrageously/theatrically in a musical performance is a pretty universal concept. And of course I'm not bothered with international bands having their sound influenced by VK bands, because hey we all have influences). Rather, I'm puzzled when they have Japanese stage names/band name/ lyrics etc. Maybe I shouldn't think that's weird, because perhaps back then it's also weird for bands outside an English-speaking country do the same thing in English, but now it's a common thing. Maybe I personally just don't really see the point why they don't just use whatever they're most fluent in, and despite growing up in foreign countries, I'm unreasonably uncomfortable about people being really really too into foreign stuff.

    Although I've been thinking about this for a long time, the reason why I suddenly want to make this thread is because I was watching VijuLoveCafe, and noticed that they have been having international visual bands as guests. In episode 13, I was surprised to discover that the international guest is an Indonesian band called Chocoretto. (My nationality is Indonesian, although I'm not fluent in Indonesian anymore because I've lived abroad for 11 years. Maybe that's why I was surprised, I have zero idea on what's currently happening with music scene, youth culture, and effects of globalization back there). And of course my first reaction is "darn, another visual-inspired non-Japanese band with Japanese stage names", although their lyrics are in pretty understandable in Engrish.

    Anyways, that's my honest reaction/opinion. What do you all think?

  8. i remember 2



    edit : oz is Pressed flower PV i accidentally post the cM

    white room of awesomeness :D




    I knew it looks familiar! o_o

    I wonder if some of the churches/chapels in the PV are actually the same. Not sure, but...



  9. Did you say something to him as well?

    Also, found this on livejournal :mrgreen: People said it reminded them of our thread here:

    One day Kiwamu decided to write a song.

    Kiwamu asked his coworkers, "Who will help me write the song?"

    "Not I," said the lazy GPK .

    "Not I," said the lazy shit foreigner.

    "Not I," said the lazy former members of BLOOD.

    Then Kiwamu decided to write lyrics for the song.

    Kiwamu asked his coworkers, "Who will help me write the lyrics?"

    "Not I," said the lazy GPK as he goofed off .

    "Not I," said the lazy shit foreigner as he took illegal photos.

    "Not I," said the lazy former members of BLOOD as they made funny sock puppets with Kiwamu's angry face.

    When the lyrics were finished Kiwamu needed to record the song.

    Kiwamu asked his coworkers, "Who will help me record the song?"

    "Not I," said the lazy GPK who was too busy partying.

    "Not I," said the lazy shit foreigner who complained of a broken computer.

    "Not I," said the lazy former members of BLOOD who weren't involved with Kiwi's current project anyway and didn't give a shit.

    After Kiwamu finished recording the song, he began to sell CDs and made some money from shit fans.

    Kiwamu asked his coworkers, "Who will help me spend the profits?"

    "I will," said the lazy GPK.

    "I will," said the lazy shit foreigner.

    "I will," said the lazy former members of BLOOD.

    "No!" said Kiwamu. "I will! Because my greedy!" And Kiwamu spent the money on a new chair to replace the one he broke while beating up fans.

    good story, I shall read it before I sleep for some good dreams

  10. I was just reading stuff about third culture kids, and then saw all my middle/high school classmates listed on fb, then suddenly burst into tears thinking how I have lost forever my opportunity to have a good relationship with them because now they're scattered all around the world. And as selfish as it may be, I feel as if I'm more homeless than they are because I didn't have many friends, am bad at keeping in contact with people and can't even speak my own native language fluently anymore. And next year I'm going to graduate from college and say goodbye to everyone all over again. This sucks. My childhood DID suck.

  11. I think he really does not like baroque.

    I am glad he seems to be safe. I don't buy his health problems at all, he just hates the band and wanted to leave. I wonder how this will affect boogieman. Will he heal magically when the baroque revival ends? Well, that asuming that boogieman did not disbanded behind closed doors.

    I wonder what will happen now. Will this letter be confirmed as legit? If so, will Bansaku retire?

    Yea, at least he seems to be fine. I have a feeling that this has something to do with legal/record label trouble. If he just doesn't want to be with the band, he'd leave the band, but wouldn't try to pull off some serious shit like this.

  12. guys


    what if

    no guys, really


    what if this means gullet might do a reunion thing though

    what if that happens

    even though I'm not a Gullet fan, if that really happens I would actually be a bit happier

  13. why the flying fuck is this happening? someone please explain to me

    goddamn it I haven't been able to relax my face muscles for like the past 30 minutes because of this

    By the way, their new look is amazing.

    Didn't notice it until now, you're right, probably even one of their best looks :o

    That picture, coming along with the news, nearly made me cry because it looks as if someone's dying. Yes, I know, more than half of vk bands always look like someone's dying, but damnit (;__;)

  14. Wait, is it old news that Waka left ジミニークリケット?

    I didn't know... :(

    If I remember correctly, ジミニークリケット is on an indefinite hiatus.

    Yeah, in his blog he's still listed as a ジミニークリケット member. Hiatus y u no end? Is it that difficult to find another drummer?

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